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The Northwest's Favorite Planes, 2021Northwest control-line model airplane fliers are invited to submit photos and information about their planes for posting on the Flying Lines Favorite Planes page. Jim Schneider's MO-1The MO-1 is a popular design for Navy Carrier competition. Above are two versions by Jim Schneider of Olympia, Wash. At left is an MO-1 for Class I Navy Carrier, and at right is a Profile Carrier version. The planes are seen at the 2021 Fall Follies in Salem, Ore. Flying Lines photo. Mike Hazel's OrientalMike Hazel of Mehama, Ore., built this Oriental, a Classic Stunt model, powered by a Brodak .40. Flying Lines photo. John Thompson's SneekerThe Flying Lines workshop has joined the recent interest in building vintage Combat planes. This 1960s-vintage Sneeker, designed by Riley Wooten, is built from a kit custom-made by Gene Pape. It is covered with Sig Plyspan and clear dope, with lettering by Lettering.com. Power is a Johnson Combat Special. Flying Lines photo. Mark Schluter's TwisterMark Schluter of Umpqua, Ore., made maiden flights on this Twister at the Eugene Prop Spinners' Can Do Ranch flying field on Nov. 15, 2021. Mark changed the look of the fuselage profile, so it's not immediately recognizable as the Sig kit model, and he enlarged the elevator. Power is an HP .40 Gold Cup. Flying Lines photo. Steve Ashmore's Baby RingmasterMany variants of Ringmasters were flown in the Northwest during the worldwide Ringmaster Fly-a-Thon on Oct. 2-3, 2021. This beautiful Baby Ringmaster was on display at the Fall Follies in Salem, Ore. The builder and pilot is Steve Ashmore of Renton, Wash. Flying Lines photo. Mimmo Speranza's MetisMimmo Speranza of Catania, Italy, sent in a photo of his original design Metis. The stunter has a 55-inch wingspan and is powered by an O.S. .46LA. Prop is an APC 12x4 and paint is polyurethane. Mimmo Speranza photo. Mike Hazel's Ringmaster 576Mike Hazel of Mehama, Ore., made the maiden flight on this Pat Johnston Ringmaster 576 at the Eugene Prop Spinners' Can Do Ranch flying field on Oct. 16, 2021. Power is an O.S. .46LA and finish is epoxy paint. Construction by Gerald Schamp and finishing by Hazel. Flying Lines photo. Gary Weems' TomahawkGary Weems of Monroe, Ore., made the maiden flight on this kit-built Tomahawk at the Eugene Prop Spinners' Can Do Ranch flying field on Oct. 16, 2021. Power is a Brodak .25 and the paint is freehand sprayed dope. Flying Lines photo. Jim Schneider's FazerThe Fazer was marketed by Sig as a radio control plane, but included instructions for conversion to control-line. Jim Schneider of Olympia, Wash., flew this one in Profile Stunt at the 2021 Fall Follies in Salem, Ore. Steve Lindstedt photo. Bob Welch's ChimpactBob Welch of Federal Way, Wash., flew this electric-powered plane in Expert Precision Aerobatics at the 2021 Fall Follies in Salem, Ore. The plane's design, called a Chimpact, is based on Paul Walker's Impact, with decoration inspired by Mark Meredith's full-scale Chipmunk. Flying Lines photo. Ronei Lucca's SantanaFlying Lines reader Ronei Lucca of Sao Paulo, Brazil, sent in photos of his beautiful Santana, powered by an O.S. Max .25FP. Ronei Lucca photo. Steve Lindstedt's Night HawkA little one, just for fun! Steve Lindstedt of Silverton, Ore., built this Night Hawk from a Black Hawk Models kit. He changed the plank wings to a semi-built-up style, and powered the plane with a vintage O.S. Pet .099. Finish is 1930s U.S. Navy colors. Steve Lindstedt photo. Lewin/Shandel Miss B.J.Larry Lewin of Abbotsford, B.C., built this electric Miss B.J. for his pal Barrie Shandel of Falkland, B.C., to "help mitigate any noise complaints from his new neighbors." More pictures and some details are available on the Pacific Aeromodellers Club Facebook page. Larry Lewin photo. Mike Haverly's O'Toole TuckerMike Haverly of Auburn, Wash.,built this O'Toole Tucker for Classic Stunt. Finish is Ultrakote on the wings, auto base coat and dope on everything else, with automotive two-part clear coat. Electric power is a BadAss 2820, with Castle ESC and Hubin timer. The prop is an APC 11x5.5. Flying weight is 46 ounces. Mike Haverly photo. Floyd Carter's Hi BoyFloyd Carter of Eugene, Ore., writes: "This model ... is a Classic Stunt 'Hi Boy,' designed by Ted Goyet and Bob Palmer. Palmer built the original, and plans were published in the August 1954 Model Airplane News. The design is a high-wing stunter with flaps. Palmer was not happy with the high-wing configuration, thinking that the control leadouts in the wing were up too high. However, it behaves normally. My example follows Palmer's paint design, and uses an OS 25 for power." Floyd Carter photo. Tim Just's DelroyOne of the more interesting new planes seen at the 38th annual Stunt-a-Thon in Auburn, Wash., was Tim Just's Delroy, a hybrid of two Phil Granderson designs, Elroy and Diva. For a look at the inspiration for the Delroy, see photos of Phil's planes below, seen at the 2012 and 2013 Northwest Regionals. All three are electric. Flying Lines photos.
Dave Royer's ClownJust pure fun! This is Dave Royer's Flying Clown, powered by a Magnum .15, as seen at the Lucky Hand Fun Fly in Salem, Ore., on Saturday, July 10, 2021. A great flier! See full report on the Lucky Hand Fun Fly. Flying Lines photo. Ken Burdick's Pink Lady DRegular Flying Lines contributor Ken Burdick has built what he says he hopes is his "last D Speed ship." It's a Pink Lady design powered by an OPS .60. Ken holds the Northwest D Speed record at 176.92 mph, set in Roseburg, Ore., at the 2015 Northwest Regionals. The Regionals record for the class is 192.85 mph, set by the Newton/Mathison Team at the same contest. Ken Burdick photo. Gary Weems' SkylarkGary Weems of Alpine, Ore., returned to control-line flying a few years ago after a long layoff. In May 2021, he finished building this Skylark, a project he began about 50 years earlier. The plane is seen at a Eugene Prop Spinners flying session on May 15, 2021. Power is a Brodak .40. Flying Lines photo. Doug Powers' ShoestringPretty planes can come in small packages. This is Doug Powers' Shoestring, seen at the 2021 WOLF Spring Fun Fly. It is powered by a Cox .049. Doug is a member of the Northwest Fireballs of the Portland area. Doug says the plane was built by Dave Shrum. Walter Hicks picked it up from a fun fly prize table and did the paint job. Then Doug snatched it from another prize table and added the engine, tank and fuel system. It's a good flier! Flying Lines photo. Jim McCartney's ThunderbirdThis is Jim McCartney's Thunderbird, which made its maiden flight at the 2021 WOLF Spring Fun Fly. It is powered by an O.S. .40LA. Jim is a member of the Northwest Skyraiders of the Puget Sound area. Flying Lines photo. Don Curry's 38 SpecialOne of the more attractive planes at the 2021 WOLF Spring Fun Fly was Don Curry's throttled 38 Special, built as a joint project with Dave Royer. The engine is a Saito .40 four-stroke. The plane is finished in Ultracoat and Rustoleum paint, and uses a Brodak three-line bellcrank. Don and Dave are members of the Northwest Fireballs, the Portland area control-line flying club. Flying Lines photo. Fred Cesquim's Olimpia Jr.
Mike Potter's Mo-BipeMike Potter's Mo-Bipe, powered by an Enya .35SS helicopter engine, is seen at the Wolf Spring Fling Fun Fly in Salem, Ore., on March 27, 2021. The plane is flown in Nostalgia Profile Carrier competition. Flying Lines photo. Steve Lindstedt's Dil-BodNoting in the January-March 2021 Wolf Call the passing of Louise Spears of Portland, widow of the late Wayne Spears, a longtime noted Northwest modeler, Steve Lindstedt of Silverton, Ore., recalled how Wayne Spears was one of several Portland area modelers who helped him get started in control-line flying many years ago. Among those helps was Wayne's gift to Steve of a kit for the vintage 1/2-A Team Race plane called the Dil-Bod. Steve built two Dil-Bods. One was crashed, but the one above remains healthy after decades. It is powered by an OK Cub .049. Steve Lindstedt photo. Mike Hazel's Cro Magnon Air Force TwoHere is another pandemic project from the workshop of Mike Hazel. Many Northwest control-line fliers are familiar with Mike's Cro-Magnon Air Force, a sport-Carrier plane built in the 1970s and still flying. This plane is the Cro-Magnon Air Force Two. But there's something special about it. Mike explains: "This plane is flown on the Uniline system as suggested in a recent Model Aviation magazine article. Essentially, it is an RC plane flown on a tether. There is a three point bridle that has two points attached to the steering mechanism of the transmitter. By moving your hand, the transmitter becomes a handle and the reaction is the same as a control-line handle. And of course there is also a servo for the throttle. I know you are already asking yourself, "Why?" And the answer of course is .... "Because I can!" Mike Hazel photo. Potter/McCartney SpitfireMike Potter of Auburn, Wash., built this Spitfire in 1971 while he was in the Air Force stationed at Castle Air Force Base in Merced, Calif. The plane hung in his garage for 30 years, until he recently gave it to Jim McCartney, who recently returned to the control-line model aviation hobby after a 60-year layoff. McCartney refinished the plane and installed an OS .40F engine. It's awaiting good weather for its first flight after restoration. Mike Potter photo. John Thompson's GypsyA rare emergence from the Flying Lines workshop -- this Gypsy for Classic Stunt, completed in February 2021. Built from a Brodak kit, finished with Randolph and Brodak dope, powered by O.S. .46LA. Flying Lines photo. Robin Mason's DemonRobin Mason of Lebanon, Ore., has joined the recent fun of building vintage Combat planes. This is his Demon, powered by a K&B .18. Robin Mason photo. Paul and David Underwood's HumungousPaul and David Underwood of Nuneaton, England, built this Humungous during the 2020 lockdowns. The Vintage Stunt plane will be powered by an OS .46LA engine. Covering is tissue over mylar. David says they have been using the covering technique for 19 years; it gives the appearance of tissue with the strength of mylar. Underwood photo. Three Paul Walker Impacts
Gene Pape's Half Fast IIIWith no contests in 2020, competition fliers like Gene Pape of Eugene, Ore., had their fleets of contest planes ready for action -- which gave them time to build something just for fun. Gene spent the pandemic year building a series of vintage Combat planes, all powered by period corrrect engines. This is a Half Fast III from the late 1950s, powered by a Fox Black Head Combat Special. Gene replaced the hard tank with a tube for a bladder fuel system. Gene Pape photo. Mike Hazel's Orange TigerHere's another pandemic project from the shop of Mike Hazel of Mehama, Ore. This small jet plane is an Orange Tiger, powered by a Tiger Jet, which produced about half the power of the better-known Dyna Jet which is used in Speed competition. The Orange Tiger has a 22-inch wingspan, a tricycle landing gear and a conventional two-line control system. Construction is balsa and plywood. It flies on 60-foot lines. This is one of two built; Craig Bartlett of Adair Village, Ore., has the other. Flying Lines photo. Mike Hazel's Otto the GyroWith most competition suspended during the pandemic, there's been time in 2020-21 for control-line fliers to build some more unusual aircraft. Mike Hazel of Mehama, Ore., built this Otto the Gyro, a throttled control-line autogyro with O.S. FP .35RC power. It's seen here at a Eugene Prop Spinners flying session at Orchard Point County Park in the Eugene, Ore., area, on Jan. 16, 2021. Flying Lines photo. |
Favorite Planes galleries2022| 2020 | September-December 2019 | May-August 2019 | January-April 2019 Favorite Planes | October-December 2018 | April-September 2018 | January-March 2018 | October-December 2017 | June-September 2017 | January-May 2017 | October-December 2017 | April-September 2016 | January-March 2016 | November-December 2015 | August-October 2015 | May-July 2015 | January-April 2015 | October-December 2014 | August-September 2014 | April-July 2014 | January-March 2014 | October-December 2013 | July-September 2013 | April-June 2013 | January-March 2013 | September-December 2012 | April-August 2012 | January-March 2012 | October-December 2011 | July-September 2011 | May-June 2011 | January-April 2011 | November-December 2010 | September-October 2010 | June-August 2010 | March-May 2010 | January-February 2010 | September-December 2009 | July-August 2009 | April-June 2009 | February-March 2009 | November 2008-January 2009 | September-October 2008 | June-August 2008 | November 2007-May 2008 | August-October 2007 | June-July 2007 | May 2007 | March-April 2007 | January-February 2007 | November-December 2006 | September-October 2006 | August 2006 | July 2006 | May-June 2006 | April 2006 | March 2006 | February 2006 | January 2006 |