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The Northwest's Favorite PlanesNorthwest control-line model airplane fliers are invited to submit photos and information about their favorite planes, for posting on this Flying Lines page. Javier Fernandez' Yak 55Here's another original design by Javier Fernandez of Cordoba, Spain, a frequent contributor to Flying Lines. This one is a semi-scale Yak 55. See Javier's website for lots of good European control-line information. Javier Fernandez photo. Javier Fernandez' TiburonThe plane below is the profile Tiburon (Spanish for Shark) built by Gordon Van Tighem of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Above is the original, designed and built by Javier Fernandez of Cordoba, Spain, a frequent contributor to Flying Lines. You can download a PDF of the Tiburon plan, or go to Javier's website for more information. Javier Fernandez photo. Gordon Van Tighem's TiburonGordon Van Tighem of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, built this profile Tiburon (Spanish for Shark), designed by Javier Fernandez of Cordoba, Spain, a frequent contributor to Flying Lines. "Brent Williams found me a good PDF of the plan," Gordon says. "Eric Rule lasered the spar and ribs and it flies great!" Gordon Van Tighem photo. Gene Pape's SneekerControl-Line Combat has been going on since the 1940s, meaning that there is an inevitable element of nostalgia for some of the older designs. Above is a 1960s vintage Sneeker recently built by Gene Pape of Eugene, Ore., powered by a period-proper Fox .36X. Flying Lines photos. Mike Hazel's PodracerMike Hazel of Mehama, Ore., built this Jim Booker-designed Podracer for the NASS Sport Jet Speed event at U.S. National Championships Speed competition in Muncie, Ind. The Podracer is powered by a Bailey jet engine. It's resting in a wheeled dolly that will fall away on takeoff. Mike Hazel photo. David Shorts' Icarus Sr.David Shorts of Lodi, Calif., built this Icarus Sr., which was designed by John Coasby in 1951. It has a 67-inch wingspan, 780 square inches of wing area, and a SuperTigre .51 engine. David Shorts photo. Dale Gleason's ImpcatDale Gleason of Valley View, Texas, sent this in-flight photo of his Impcat, taken at an AMA District VIII contest in Eldorado, Ark. The plane is built by the lost-foam wing method. Power is a carbon-piped PA .75 swinging a Mejzlik 13x4.4 three-blade carbon prop and tank is an 8-oz. RST on uniflow pipe pressure. Fred Kocher photo. Ricardo Vieira's NoblerFlying Lines reader Ricardo Vieira of Montreal, Canada, sent this photo of his customized Nobler with an O.S. .40LA for power. Ricardo Vieira photo. Phil Goldberg's BusterPhil Goldberg of Portland, Ore., displayed this Buster at the 2018 Jim Walker Memorial Spring Tune-Up. Power is an O.S. .46LA. This is a larger plane than the well-known Goldberg kit. Flying Lines photo. Tom Brightbill's ThundergazerTom Brightbill of Oregon City, Ore., built this Thundergazer for Precision Aerobatics, done as a full take-apart airplane. Tom explains: "I wanted to be able to put in in a box and take it on my motorcycle to contests. It has a Kaz Minato K-77 on a pipe, a Brett Buck bellcrank, Walker flap adjustment, and take apart based on Mike Haverly's input. It's set up to also take a RoJett .61 or .65 if necessary, but the K-77 seems fine." Tom Brightbill photo.
Bob Gore's TwisterBob Gore of Kennewick, Wash., built this very nice modified Twister, powered by an O.S. .40LA. Bob, also a restorer of automobiles, used automotive Kondar primer by PPG, sealed with clear dope and then painted with urethane. Thanks to Joe Just for passing on the photo and the information. Bob Gore photo.
Chris Sackett's Smokin' JoeChris "Partner" Sackett built this Smokin' Joe airplane for Northwest B Proto Speed from one of the kits he makes. This plane weighs 20 oz., equpped with the O.S. .25LA that is required by the event. Chris Sackett photo.