Northwest fliers participate in 2021 Ringmaster fly-a-thon

See fly-a-thon website for up-to-date worldwide flight total

Control-line model aviators in several Northwest locations put up flights on various kinds of Ringmasters over the Oct. 2-3 weekend (and surrounding dates) as part of the worldwide Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon sponsored by the Brotherhood of the Ring.

The Brotherhood's John Cralley gathers flight data from around the world and compiles a spreadsheet showing what variants of Ringmasters were flown at the many locations where the flying took place. Latest flight data is available on the fly-a-thon website.

Worldwide report: 8,299 flights

By John Cralley

The final worldwide total of Ringmaster flights reported to the coordinators as of Oct. 13 was 8,299 flights by 520 fliers, with more reports coming in. See the graphic for official commentary:

See worldwide flight total report

Northwest flights

In the Northwest, flights are known to have taken place in Auburn, Wash., Chehalis, Wash. Olympia, Wash., Eagle Point, Ore., Portland, Ore, Richmond, B.C. and Salmon Arm, B.C.. In Salem, the Ringmaster flying was part of the Fall Follies conrtest sponsored by the Western Oregon Control-Line Flyers. At least 519 flights were made at Northwest venues, up from the 265 flights in 2020.

The reports below are from the various organizations and individuals who participated; some of the data is taken from the worldwide report..

Puget Sound area Ringmaster flights

Two Skyraiders head to the circle in Auburn, Wash. Cathy Fry photo.

2021 Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon
Northwest Skyraiders
Roegner Park, Auburn, WA

By Rod Claus, event director

We had a good turnout on Saturday with eight guys flying a total of 67 flights. We had three circles going. Two fliers participated on Sunday.

Here is the schedule of names and number of flights on each day:

Pilots on Saturday, October 2nd

No. of Flights

Airplane /Engine

Airplane / Engine

Rodney Claus


S-1 / Fox 35


Ben Jones


S-1 / Fox 35


Fred Gordon


S-1 / Fox 35


Jim McCartney


S-1 / Johnson 29


Bob Jones


S-1 / OS 25FP


Randy Jones


S-1 / OS 25FP


Kris Millard


S-1 / OS 25LA


Steve Holt


S-1 / OS 25FP

RM Jr. / Fox 15

Pilots on Sunday, October 3rd




Rodney Claus


S-1 / Fox 35


Fred Gordon


S-1 / Fox 35


TOTALS:      8 Pilots




Ben Jones makes an Auburn flight. Cathy Fry photo.

All in all, a great time was had by everyone who attended.  Several guys decided to go to the Salem contest on Sunday, hence the small turnout.  Fred and I braved the mist to get in nine flights and then went to lunch.

Please give my thanks to those that chose to enjoy the camaraderie that this event brings together. It was my pleasure to help out along with Mike Potter, who assisted with the tabulation.

Steve Holt in the Roegner Park pits. Cathy Fry photo.

Two S-1 Ringmasters. Cathy Fry photo.

Mike Potter tallies flights. Cathy Fry photo.

Looks like a two-up flight about to launch. Cathy Fry photo.

Chehalis, Wash., Ringmaster flights

By Jeff Christenson

Oct. 2-3, Faro Field, Chehalis, Wash.

The Faro Field Flyers had a great turnout of pilots and spectators for both Saturday and Sunday. We flew from three flying circles at the Chehalis airport for nine hours Saturday and five hours Sunday.

Pilots were :

  • Sonny Lewis - Helped everyone with pitting
  • Brad Parker - 11 flights
  • Bob Rolland - 4 flights
  • Jeff Christenson - 76 flights
  • Tina Christenson - 41 flights
  • Marc Winz - 48 flights
  • Rich Schaper - 22 flights
  • John Milton - 86 flights

For a total off 288 flights.

This is one of our favorite events each year.

The Faro Field Flyers with their airplanes at the club's Chehalis field.

Olympia, Wash., Ringmaster flights

James Dickerman he made 17 flights on two S-1 Ringmasters at the Thurston County Miniature Aircraft Association field.

Salem Fall Follies and Ringmaster flights

Bob Lewis' S-1 Ringmaster makes a flight in Salem on Oct. 3. Flying Lines photo.

Oct. 1-2-3, Bill Riegel Model Airpark, Salem, Ore.

The Western Oregon Control Line Flyers hosted Ringmaster flights along with the 2021 Fall Follies contest.

Ringmaster variants ranged from a big 777-square-inch version to several tiny Baby Ringmasters.

Following is a summary of the Ringmaster pilots and planes and flights. Flier's name is followed by the number of flights and the Ringmaster variant in parentheses. By the way, “S-1” is the original design with a 42 inch wingspan.

  • Steve Ashmore, 5 flights (Pat Johnston 576)
  • Mike Hazel, 8 (S-1 modified for Super Sport Race)
  • Bob Lewis, 2 (S-1)
  • Bill Mix, 3 (Baby)
  • Chris Nicholls, 5 (Baby)
  • Gene Pape, 8 (S-1)
  • Mark Schluter, 7 (S-1)
  • Jim Schneider, 1 (Giant 777)
  • Dave Shrum, 1 (S-1)
  • John Thompson, 1 (Super)

A Baby Ringmaster is primed for a start in Salem. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Jim Schneider's Giant 777. Flying Lines photo.

Steve Ashmore's Pat Johnston-designed 576 with electric power made five flights. Flying Lines photo.

Bob Lewis' Baby Ringmaster. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Checkerboard Baby Ringmaster captured attention in Salem. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Portland Ringmaster flights

Information from Don Curry

Oct. 2-3, Jim Walker Memorial field, Delta Park, Portland, Ore.

Fliers over the two days included Leighton Mangels, Doug Powers, Dave Royer, Don Curry and Jim Cameron. They made 68 flights on S-1, Baby ARF, Baby and Boardwing Ringmasters. All are members of the Northwest Fireballs.

The only casualty of lthe weekend was Dave Royer's Ringmaster, seen at left. The engine quit overhead and it fell straight in.

Don Curry photos.


Medford, Ore., area Ringmaster flights

Oct. 8, Rogue Eagles RC Club, Medford

Reported to Brotherhood by Jess Walls

Three pilots in the Medford group made 23 flights on S1, S2 and Imperial Ringmasters.

Fliers were: Jess Walls, Richard DiMartini and Steve Bull.

British Columbia Ringmaster flights

Richmond, B.C.

Tom Stevens of the Vancouver Gas Model Club reported that he made eight flights at the Rice Mill Road flying field, flying a Ringmaster Jr. electric and a diesel-powered Ringmaster Jr.

Salmon Arm, B.C.

Kelley Crozier reported that the Mission Wings club made seven flights on two different S-1 Ringmasters. Pilots were Crozier and Greg Davis.

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This page was upated Oct. 14, 2021