Doug Powers of Portland, Ore., makes a flight at the Lucky Hand Fun Fly. Flying Lines photo.

Lucky Hand Fun Fly 2021

Hot fun in the summertime!

Salem, Ore., July 10, 2021

Control-line fliers gathered at Bill Riegel Field on a sunny, mid-80s day to participate in the Western Oregon Control Line Flyers' annual poker hand game. Nineteen people attended; 15 participated in the poker game.

Both the asphalt and grass circles were busy from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., with a large variety of stunt, combat and sport planes making flights.

The poker game works like this: Every time someone makes a flight, they get a playing card; when they have five cards, they have a poker hand. Best hand wins half the entry fees -- and second- and third-place hands get merchandise prizes. The WOLF club offered a nice array of prizes this year, and everyone went home one or two "treasurers." This year, Doug Powers of Portland, Ore., had the best hand, taking home the cash prize. Gene Pape of Eugene, Ore., was second, Russ Hester of Florence. Ore., was third, Randy Powell of Port Orchard, Wash., was fourth and Gary Harris of Banks, Ore., was fifth.

Attending were: Jim Corbett, Mike Denlis, Gary Harris, Mike Haverly, Mike Hazel, Russ Hester, Dave La Fever, Donna Lickley, John Lickley, Lynette Lickley, Steve Lindstedt, Mark McRiley, Gene Pape, Randy Powell, Doug Powers, Dave Royer, Dave Shrum, Dean Singleton and John Thompson.

Lucky Hand Fun Fly photos

Some of the Stunt and sport planes awaiting action. Flying Lines photo.

One of the nicest new planes was Dave Royer's Flying Clown, powered by a Magnum .15. Flying Lines photo.

Lynette Lickley's Pathfinder. Flying Lines photo.

John Thompson's Gypsy for Classic Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Haverly's Kaizen electric plane for Profile Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Randy Powell's electric Ringmaster Deluxe for Profile Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Denlis has this profile set up with a radio-controlled throttle. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Haverly's Barnstormer for Old-Time Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Doug Powers flew this Formula 1-inspired plane built by Don Curry. Engine is an AP .061. Flying Lines photo.

Doug Powers starts an engine on his little twin-engined plane, with Mark McRiley holding. The plane is built from a Black Hawk kit snd is painted like the plane of the comic book character Capt. Black Hawk. Flying Lines photo.

The grass circle was kept busy with Combat planes (foreground) and sport flying. Flying Lines photo.

Part of Dave La Fever's fleet. Flying Lines photo.

This was one of several interesting small planes that made flights. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Denlis' P-40 was another of the interesting small planes. Doug Powers holds as Mike starts the engine. Flying Lines photo.


Gene Pape's Cox-powered warbird. Flying Lines photo.

Russ Hester prepares a 1/2-A Combat plane in the foregound, as Gary Harris gets ready to start a Speed Limit Combat plane in the background. Flying Lines photo.

Keeping cool in the shade: Donna Lickley and Dave Royer. Flying Lines photo.

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This page was upated July 3, 2022