The Evergreen Aero ModelersThis page contains news about the Evergreen Aero Modelers Club, based in McMinnville, Ore. The TEAM Field near the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Ore., has two grass circles. The Evergreen Aero Modelers have an inspiring location for their monthly meetings. Their February 2015 meeting is shown above taking place in the Evergreen Space Museum. Jerry Eichten photo. New! Organized CL action returns to McMinnville at 2017 Oregon Flying Fun No. 4Busy day of control-line at the field for 2015 Oregon Flying Fun No. 4Control-line flying returns to McMinnville with 2014 Oregon Flying Fun No. 4New CL circles being built at McMinnville for 2013 opening See articleA look at the former McMinnville CL site in May 2010 See photos