What a fun-fly is all about: Dave Shrum of Roseburg, Ore., launches Russell Shaffer's crazy Flying Flounder at the Eugene fun fly. Just for the heck of it! Flying Lines photo.

Oregon Flying Fun 4

Spring arrives with Eugene stop on fun-fly circuit

April 7, 2012, Eugene, Ore.

It's been a rainy, windy, even sometimes snowy spring in the Northwest, but the hint of a beautiful summer to come arrived in Eugene with Oregon Flying Fun 4, as the temperature nudged into the 60s, the breeze remained light (about 6 mph at worst) and blowing right toward the sun(!). Yes, sun!

At least 21 fliers showed up at the Eugene Airport, and kept four circles (two asphalt, two grass) busy most of the day. A stunt clinic conducted by Bruce Hunt gave interested modelers some flying and judging tips. Great food (dogs, beans, pasta salad, chips, pop, cookies!) and lots of the traditional "hangar flying" rounded out the day. Participants came from as far away as Klamath Falls and Medford, as well as the closer locations of Portland, Salem and Roseburg.

The event started at 10 a.m. and wrapped up at 3 p.m.with the distribution of a nice array of donated prizes given out in the "flying raffle."

Attending this year's Eugene fun fly included: Mike Massey, Tom Kopriva, Gene Pape, John Thompson, Gerald Schamp, Pete Benning, Dave Shrum, Floyd Carter, Gordon Rea, Mike Hazel, Dean Rea, Jim Corbett, Bruce Hunt, Wayne Esauk, Dwayne Graville, Russell Shaffer, Marshall Palmer, Bill Mix, Dan Mix, Terrance Bardue, and Jim Mackin.

Earlier stops in the Oregon Flying Fun series were in Portland, Salem and Roseburg. For details of those events, see ...

Oregon Flying Fun No. 1

Oregon Flying Fun No. 2

Oregon Flying Fun No. 3

Oregon Flying Fun 4 photos

One of the pit areas for the fun-fly. Since flying was spread out over four circles, the planes were never all in one place. Flying Lines photo.

At least three biplanes were on hand. At left, Russell Shaffer of Klamath Falls, Ore., tunes up the engine on his bipe. The bipe on right is Mike Hazel's. Jim Corbett photos.

Floyd Carter's retract-equipped stunters always attract attention. Here, Floyd, of Eugene, Ore., flies his Mustang. Jim Corbett photo.

Marshall Palmer's Scirrocco makes a low pass. Jim Corbett photo.

A closer look at Palmer's plane. Marshall is from Medford, Ore. Jim Corbett photo.

John Thompson of Eugene, Ore., flies the Dawg. Why is it up so high? Jim Corbett photo.

Bill Mix of Roseburg, Ore., flies his Twister. Jim Corbett photo.

A closer look at the Twister. Flying Lines photo.

Floyd Carter's Gee Bee is always impressive in flight. Jim Corbett photo.

Bruce Hunt of Salem, Ore., mostly worked mentoring stunt fliers in the stunt clinic, but did get a chance to do some flying, helping John Thompson work on Dawg trim issues. Jim Corbett photo.

Mike Hazel flies his crazy bipe. Jim Corbett photo.

Plane at left is Russell Shaffer's Boxcar Chief. Blue plane is unidentified -- can anybody fill in the blank? Jim Corbett photos.

A feast was provided by Prop Spinners (from left) Mike Hazel, Tom Kopriva and Mike Massey. Dean Rea photo.

There were a couple of mishaps. Prop on Mike Massey's Pathfinder was shortened up a bit on takeoff. Gordon Rea's Pathfinder suffered in attempt to fly below minimum altitude. Dean Rea photos.

Russell Shaffer holds as Mike Hazel starts engine on the bipe.

Bruce Hunt discusses Mike Massey's flight, as other stunt clinic participants listen in. Dean Rea photo.

More mentoring from Bruce, as he discusses finer points of a flight witgh Gordon Rea of Eugene, flanked by Floyd Carter (left) and Mike Massey. Dean Rea photo.

Gerald Schamp of Albany, Ore., with his nice Old-Time Stunt Ringmaster. Dean Rea photo. Plane at right is an expanded Ringmaster from Pat Johnston plans, with O.S. LA .46 power, ready to finish. Built by Gerald, it's now in the hands of Tom Kopriva of Eugene, Ore. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Hazel's Cardinal, built by Jerry Eichten. Flying Lines photo.

Pete Benning of Roseburg, Ore. (left) and Wayne Esauk of Eugene chat in the pits. Flying Lines photo.

Floyd Carter gets ready for maiden flight of Old-Time Stunt Barnstormer as Mike Massey holds. Dean Rea photo.

Various people donated prizes, so there was plenty to choose from in the flying raffle. Jim Corbett photo.

Dave Shrum made off with some nice raffle loot! Jim Corbett photo.

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This page was upated April 7, 2013