The fliers at Oregon Flying Fun No. 2 at Sunshine Park in Roseburg, Ore., posed with some of the after the flying was finished. Front row, from left: Gene Pape, Mike Hazel, Pete Benning, Jim Corbett, Gordon Rea, Floyd Carter. Back row, from left, John Thompson, Mike Massey, Dave Shrum, Tom Kopriva, Bob Lewis, Dave Crabtree. Not pictured, Don Jensen, Peggy Shrum and Lonnie Lewis. Dean Rea photo.
As -- dare we say it -- always(!), the sun came out at Sunshine Park in Roseburg for the second in the series of four Oregon fun-flies. This was the third February fun-fly in a row in Roseburg that had sunny, calm weather, perfect for lots of CL flying -- and there was lots of flying! Not to mention the usual great food provided by the Umpqua Valley fliers and spouses, along with several nice "flying raffle" prizes.
Most of the fliers came from the Roseburg and Eugene areas. Weather started out damp and chilly but got better progressively until it was all sunshine in the afternoon. There was not enough wind to determine a direction.
Nobody counted, but there were about 15 people present, numerous planes of all types, and quite a few spectators wandered through. Floyd Carter of Eugene probably provided the day's highlights with his elegant spark-ignition stunter and his retract-gear Precision Aerobatics plane. Mike Hazel showed that very small planes can be excellent fliers with a Baby Ringmaster and a modified Combat Kitten putting on quite a show. And there were lots of other stunt/sport type flights.
Information about regular control-line flying in the Umpqua Valley can be obtained from Dave Shrum.
Below is a gallery of photos that captures some of the action.
The third in the series of four Oregon fun flies is scheduled for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Bill Riegel Model Airpark at the Salem, Ore., Airport, on Saturday, March 3. See Where the Action Is for details.
Bob Lewis of Roseburg has built these two versions of the Challenger profile, one big, one small. Flying Lines photo.
The lineup of planes on one of the two circles. Flying Lines photo.
Floyd Carter's Super Madman Old-Time Stunter with spark ignition ... Flying Lines photo.
...coming in for a landing. Flying Lines photo.
Dressed for the weather, Floyd flies the Super Madman, which is larger than J.C. Yates' well-known Madman, built from plans by Don Hutchinson. Flying Lines photo.
Pete Benning has built several versions of the Ares. This is a stretched version of the Ares Jr. Flying Lines photo.
Bob Lewis rolling up lines at the end of the day. Flying Lines photo.
Gordon Rea fuels up his Flite Streak. Flying Lines photo.
Left photo: Jim Corbett concentrates on a flight. Flying Lines photo. Right photo: Roseburg's mover and shaker, Dave Shrum. Dean Rea photo.
Bob Lewis' nice stretched Magician Flying Lnes photo.
Another attracitve profile by Bob Lewis. Flying Lines photo.
Bob Lewis' Tomahawk. Flying Lines photo.
Gene Pape prepares to start his Fox Rocket-powered Flite Streak as Mike Hazel holds. Dean Rea photo.
The Roseburg fliers always put on a nice feast. Dean Rea photo.
John Thompson prepares to start the engine on his Bi-Slob. Several people flew it. Dean Rea photo.
The Bi-Slob always attracts a lot of attention while in fllight. Here a crowd watches Pete Benning fly it. Dean Rea photo.
This page was upated Feb. 13, 2012