Hobnobbers: Since the wind kept people from flying, they turned to hangar talk. Chatting on the sidelines are (from left) John Thompson, Bruce Hunt, Gene Pape, Mike Massey, and Mike Denlis. Coffee and doughnuts helped warm up the fliers. Jim Corbett photo.

Oregon Flying Fun 4

Wind holds down activity at series finale

April 3, 2010, Eugene, Ore.

It didn't rain (much). The sun came out (a little). But the wind blew, and that made it seem pretty cold.

It seemed to let up a little at times, so there were a few flights put up, but mostly, the last in the 2010 Oregon Flying Fun series was a "tall stories" affair that started at 10 a.m. and wrapped up about 2 p.m.

Since there were only a few flights, the prizes donated by several Eugene Prop Spinners members were saved for another fun fly.

Intrepid fliers were John Thompson, Mike Hazel and Mike Denlis. Also attending were Steve Kendall, Wayne Esauk, Jim Corbett, Tom Kopriva, Bruce Hunt, Mike Robinson, Mike Massey and Gene Pape.

Aside from the semi-blowout in Eugene, the 2010 Oregon Flying Fun Series was a great success, one of the best-attended in the several years of the series.

Here are details of the other events:

Oregon Flying Fun 2010 No. 1, Portland

Oregon Flying Fun 2010 No. 2, Roseburg

Oregon Flying Fun 2010 No. 3, Salem

Oregon Flying Fun 4 photos

Mike Hazel prepares to start the O.S. .35 on his Banshee, John Thompson holding. Jim Corbett photo.

Positions reversed, John prepares to start the Brodak .40 in his Ares, Mike assisting. Jim Corbett photo.

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This page was upated April 3, 2011