Lots of fliers turned out for the Jan. 2 day of flying at the East Delta Park flying circles in Portland, Ore. Standing: Left to right, Jerry Eichten, Don Curry, Dave Royer, Geoff Christianson, Jim Harper, Ron Anderson, Mark Hansen, Terence Bardue, Mike Hazel, Bill Lee, Doug Powers, Gary Harris. Seated: Leo Mehl, Richard Entwhistle, Jim Cameron, Scott Riese. Gary Harris photo.
The Oregon Flying Fun series got under way for 2010 with a good turnout of fliers and lots of airplanes on a nice day for flying at East Delta Park in Portland. The traditional New Year's Day fun-fly was postponed a day so that folks could watch the Rose Bowl game featuring the Oregon Ducks.
Three fliers did make it out to the field on Jan. 1, too.
The photo at right is from Jan. 1, with Richard Entwhistle preparing to
start his profile stunter while Jim Harper assists.
Geoff Christianson reports that Don Curry's chili kept everyone warm, along with plenty of hot coffee. Both circles -- grass and asphalt -- were kept going, with stunters on the blacktop and sport and combat planes on the grass.
"If this is an indication of turnout, it means 2010 will be a great year for U/C," Geoff says.
The second in the series of four Oregon fun flies is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 13, at Sunshine Park in Roseburg, Ore., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. See Where the Action Is for details.
Left photo: Leo Mehl works on his equipment near the lineup of planes in the pits next to the asphalt circle. Center: From left, Bill Veselik, Leo Mehl, Scott Riese, Ron Anderson. Right: Jim Cameron, Doug Powers, Bill Lee, Mark Hansen. Geoff Christianson photos.
There were airplanes large and small. Left: Bill Lee shows off a Sig Skyray. Center: Jim Cameron with a Firebaby. Right: Jerry Eichten (left) and Dave Royer in the stunt plane pits. Geoff Christianson photos.
Left: Jim Harper with profile stunter. Center: Mike Hazel with Mr. Stubby. Right: Gary Harris with combat plane. Geoff Christianson photos.
Left: Richard Entwhistle prepares to launch a stunt plane. Center: Jerry Eichten prepares to start his profile stunter while Don Curry assists. Right: Leo Mehl holds while Mike Hazel starts engine on Mr. Stubby. Geoff Christianson photos.
Lineup of profile stunters. Geoff Christianson photo.
Another photo from the Jan. 1 flying session: Doug Powers with a Skyray. Geoff Christianson photos.
This page was upated Jan. 13, 2010