P-40 Stunt is now Profile Stunt

Displacement limit eliminated in profile stunt class

Northwest fliers vote to approve Helmick proposal

Steve Helmick's proposal to change the rules for the Northwest P-40 Stunt event to a simple Profile Stunt event was approved by Northwest control-line fliers in voting that took place from Feb. 11 to March 12.

A good number of fliers cast ballots on the proposal via the Flying Lines rules coordination process. There also was considerable discussion of the pros and cons of the changes, which can be reviewed by visiting the Northwest Message Boards.

The proposal was formally introduced in January. There was a month for comment, a month for voting, and now the rules take effect as approved. These rules will be in force for Northwest contests unless otherwise noted by the contest organizers. The new Profile Stunt event will replace P-40 Stunt in the Northwest standings compiled by Flying Lines.

What the proposal does: It eliminates the .40 displacement limit, raising it to .91. It also provides for electric power. It eliminates any reference to four-stroke engines. It also changes the name from "P-40 Stunt" to "Profile Stunt."

Note that any plane legal under the old P-40 rules remains legal for use in the new Profile Stunt event.


1. PURPOSE: This event is intended to provide a competitive opportunity for fliers of all ability levels using profile-fuselage airplanes.

2. All rules for AMA precision aerobatics shall apply except as follows:

3. Airplane: Any profile airplane is allowed.
3.1. The engine may be mounted in any configuration ­ side-mounted, upright or inverted.
3.2. Doublers or triplers and cheek cowls are allowed, including faired spinners, but the fuselage must meet the "profile" definition of 3/4" thickness by the trailing edge of the wing/flap hinge line, and the engine must be fully exposed from lugs to plug.

4. Engine: Any engine up to 15cc/.91cu.in. Electrics allowed per AMA Stunt Rules.
4.1. Mufflers are allowed, but not mandatory. Any exhaust system is allowed.

5. Lines: Line sizes must follow AMA Precision aerobatics guidelines

6. Pattern: Standard AMA Precision Aerobatics pattern.

7. Appearance: There are no appearance points.

8. Skill classes: Whenever possible, competition shall be divided into two skill divisions, as follows:
8.1. Expert: Any flier may enter this class.
8.2. Sportsman: PAMPA expert-class skill fliers may not fly in this class.


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This page was upated March 13, 2007