A View from Broadway

Combat Graffiti 2018

The fliers lined up for a group photo at the 2018 NS with BS fun fly, also known as Combat Graffiti. Paul Bedford photo.

By Ken Burdick

Yes Folks, it’s true.

A very low key Combat Graffiti took place on June the 10 in Mission B.C. Contest director was Greg Davis.

There was some really bad weather forecasted for Friday through Sunday, but it turned out to be mostly OK, with just one or two rain bursts.

Not much in the way of good matches as the guys wore themselves out flying Vintage Diesel Combat before Combat Graffiti. Long-lost Paul Dranfeld was in attendance as well as Kelly Crozier and Mel Lyne. Kelly injured himself sprinting during a d-bat match and didn’t fly CG. Greg Davis left the silver cup at home, but was redeemed by winning the event.

Some of the CG rules were not enforced and the event was more or less a fun-fly. One rule that would have saved Greg his most beautiful Combat Streak would be the pull-test.  Greg and I had just started a match when one of his lines broke at the crimp, the sudden jerk broke the second line and off it flew. The crash totally destroyed the once-stunt-quality combat ship. I was relegated to flying a Voodoo which is perhaps the most unimaginative legal model for the event, but I was having what I thought was engine trouble in two other models. It turned out to be bad fuel. I borrowed a genuine Greg Davis McCoy .35 rebuild from Greg Davis as well as fuel to fly one match.

All in all, the fun-fly and CG were enjoyable and it was good to see Mel, Paul, Kelly as well as the rest of the flyers and the great Duncan duo.  Adrian and Lorna Duncan did a stellar job of counting cuts and running the match clock, we slipped in as much “chat time” as we could. Lunch was provided by the Mission Wings group and the rain was mostly kept at bay in the “Mission Vortex.”

Sadly missing was the man of smiles and good cheer, Barrie Hobkirk. Barry is in the hospital currently and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Some of the Vintage Diesel Combat planes. Ken Burdick photo.

Ken Burdick's Redskin B-Team Racer. Ken says, "Adrian Duncan gave me a vintage McCoy .19 RR from 1950 to put in it. He wanted to see it run. I always wanted one and finally built it.The original plans have the engine built into it -- no way to get it out. I made a 'pan' out of maple and bass." Ken Burdick photo.

-- Kennyb

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This page was upated June 21, 2018