A View from Broadway

Goodbye, Carl Berryman

By Ken Burdick
February 2021

Carl BerrymanAny Combat flyer who has heard of, flown or seen the “Big Iron” airplane knows the name Carl Berryman.

Carl passed away at the age of 92 on Jan. 22, 2021. He is survived by an enormous family who all loved him very much.

Carl Berryman was one of the few who ever bested Riley Wooten. They were friends and competitors.

I barely knew Carl, but we hit it off right away and became friends. I would call him on holidays just to say hello and see how he was doing. For some reason, I thought he and Barbara might be alone on these days. What I didn’t know was the size and closeness he and his family shared. I’m sure there were many demands on his time durring thoes phone conversations, but he always made time for me and was happy for the call.

I’ll miss Carl Berryman.

A remembrence video is linked, it gives you a better idea of the man.

Also see Ken Burdick's article based on an interview with Carl Berryman in Neil Simpson's Combat's First 20 Years series.

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