Control-Line Club NewslettersMany control-line clubs around the world publish entertaining newsletters. National and international organizations' newsletters and those particularly oriented toward competition can be found on Charlie Johnson's Competition Newsletter page or on the control-line categories pages: Aerobatics | Combat | Navy Carrier | Racing | Scale | Speed. Pacific Northwest control-line clubs' newsletters can be found on their club pages, which can be found by going to the Flying Lines Club News page. This page is for control-line club newsletters that are not from clubs in the Pacific Northwest, but still worth reading. If your club has a digital newsletter you would like to share with Flying Lines readers, send it to the editor. Sentral Illinois Radio SocietyThis is a Radio Control and Control-Line club, whose newsletter editor is John Cralley, organizer of the annual global Ringmaster fly-a-thon. New! February
2025 SIRS newsletter | January 2025