Robert Smith (left) is congratulated by Contest Director Buzz Wilson after receiving the perpetual trophy for winning the 2013 Chehalis Cup series championship. The award was presented at the 2014 season opener. Flying Lines photo.

Chehalis Cup 2014 Combat Contest No. 1

June 28, 2014, Salem, Ore.

By Buzz Wilson

The 2014 C-Cup season opener was held in Salem, Ore., under cloudy and windy conditions. Noticeably absent were Don McKay, who has retired from flying and Jeff Rein who is battling a bad back. Joining the circuit this year is John Knoppi.

There were six entries in double-elimination Half A combat. The windy conditions made it interesting with most of the action being downwind.

After two rounds, John Knoppi and Gene Pape were eliminated. Mark Hansen and John Thompson both had two wins when they flew. At the conclusion of their match John had three wins and Mark still with two. Robert Smith and I flew next with the loser winning fourth place. Robert secured fourth. Mark and I flew next. Well I flew and Mark tried to solve an engine problem. With the engine problem remaining unresolved, Mark secured third place. John and I flew next. I would need to beat John twice to get first. John has been almost unbeatable in Half A since winning Half A at the 2013 Bladder Grabber. John finished the C-Cup undefeated and in first place.

Next up was 15 Kill combat of which there were five entries. Since this was scheduled for four rounds, everyone flew each other. Because we were shorthanded on judges, we decided that no air or ground time would be counted. Two points would be given for a win; one point for a tie, and no points for a loss. Ten matches were flown; three of which ended with kills. The remaining matches were ties. At the end Robert Smith, who had two of the three kills, won first, John Thompson who had the other kill won second. With four ties I secured third.

The C-Cup awards one point for each win and one half point for each tie. After one C-Cup, John Thompson has a 1.5 point lead.


(Northwest Standings points in parentheses)

John Thompson, Eugene, Ore. (6)
2. Buzz Wilson, Belfair, Wash. (5)
3. Mark Hansen, Portland, Ore. (4)
4. Robert Smith, Roy, Wash. (3)
5. Gene Pape, Eugene, Ore.
John Knoppi, Maple Valley, Wash.

FD2 FAST KILLS (5 entries)
Robert Smith (5)
2. John Thompson (4)
3. Buzz Wilson (3)
4. Gene Pape (1)
John Knoppi (1)

Chehalis Cup Contest No. 2 is scheduled for July 19 See Where the Action Is for details.

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This page was upated June 30, 2014