Musings from the Combat Pits

Storing and organizing lines and props

By Buzz Wilson

It is time to get rid of the plastic bags from the Chinese takeout that you have been using to keep your lines and props in. If you insist, then at least get one for the props and one for the lines. If your props have sharp ends, then triple bag them.

Storing lines is a problem, at least for me. This is especially true when you fly multiple combat events that require different line diameters and lengths. One solution that I found was to use leftover 30 pack CD containers. These work but not real well. The main problem is the lid lock does not hold very well. After all, these were designed to sit on a shelf, not to be hauled in and out of a shop. I still use this for odd length lines.

Don McKay found a storage box at Cabelas that works very well. On his way back from the Nats he stopped in their store and bought a supply for the Bod Busters.

These work well for storing line sets on storage reels. There is one drawback: They do not automatically move from the shop to the car. Jeff and Ken confirmed this on two separate occasions this past season.

While wandering around in a sporting goods store, I found a different type of storage system that anglers (that is MS Word's politically correct term for fisherman) use to store lines. Since it comes with a handle, it may help in getting them from the shop bench to the car. This box works well for the larger reels used for active lines.


My wandering was in search of a storage box for props. I have used plastic food containers (not to be confused with plastic bags from the Chinese takeout) and these work well. What I needed was something with compartments. What I found is a Flambeau Model 4006. It will hold up to 7-inch long props.

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This page was upated Dec. 2, 2009