Winter Flying Fun -- 2 -- Salem

Dean Singleton starts his Ringmaster at the Salem Fun Fly on March 18, as CJ Underdahl holds. Flying Lines photo.

"Winter Flying Fun" Salem stop a great day of flying

March 18, 2006, Salem, Ore.

Aside from a little squall that had people hiding in their cars for a few minutes, it was a fine, fine day for flying at Bill Riegel Field, with quite a few fliers turning out to put in a full day of flights both on the paved circle and on the grass. Temperature was mild and the breeze was very light, sometimes nonexistent.

This was the second of the three-fun-fly series sponsored by the Eugene Prop Spinners (Feb. 19), Western Oregon Control-line Flyers and The Evergreen Aero Modelers (April 9 in McMinnville, Ore. Fliers are enjoying the series so much that there was discussion of adding a fourth to the series in the future by kicking things off with the traditional Portland fun-fly that occurs around Jan. 1.

Lots of stunt flights were the order of the day, but Mark Hansen and Jim Cameron provided variety by demonstrating some excellent-flying 1/2-A planes, including some truly bulletproof trainers. More to come on that subject elsewhere.

Among the other fliers were Mike Hazel, Dean Singleton, CJ Underdahl, Dave LaFever, Tom Kopriva, Bruce Hunt and Jerry Eichten.

Don't miss the McMinnville fun-fly on April 9, which will take place on the fabulous CL circles alongside the Evergreen Aviation Museum. For more information on those and a link to the flyer pdf, see Where the Action Is.

More fun-fly photos:

Mark Hansen of Portland, Ore., shows off two of the very strong, good-flying trainers that he and Jim Cameron have been using to teach new control-line fliers. The planes are built of corrugated plastic and use laser-cut motor mount and bellcrank parts that Mark makes. E-mail Mark Hansen for information on these trainers. Jim Cameron of Portland shows the Baby Flite Streak and other 1/2-A planes that make great sport fliers for little expense.

Tom Kopriva (left) of Eugene, Ore., and Jerry Eichten examine Jerry's venerable Pirate, powered by Dixon-reworked SuperTigre .51. Plane at right is Jerry's ARF Cardinal.

Racing expert Mac Ryan happened to drop by, and spent some time helping Dave LaFever (left) get his new Northwest Sport Race plane sorted out. Plane is a Fox .35-powered Artesian, and made its maiden flight at the fun-fly.

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This page was upated April 13, 2006
