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Round & Round

The Control-Line Modeler at Large

By John Thompson

April 2021 Column: Nostalgia for the Navion

March 2018 Column: How we all contribute to the success of contests

December 2009 Column: Three events with one airplane (no experience necessary!)

January 2009 Column: Workshops, The Regionals, Memory Lane

July 2008 Column: How to get more club members out flying

December 2007 Column: Building a Black Hawk model, just for fun

February 2007 Column: Learning about our hobby and mentoring others

January 2007 Column: Don't be surprised by rules changes!

November 2006 Column: Winter flying by the numbers -- and winter building

September 2006 Column: A prize for the best twin-engine flying in 2007

August 2006 Column: P-40 rules and twin engines

July 2006 Column: End of an era, beginning of another

April 2006 Column: Information Explosion

February 2006 Column: Getting Charged up!

January 2006 Column: Regionals Coming Home

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This page was updated Dec. 10, 2021