Floyd Carter had the full range of weather in one flight on his GeeBee stunter at the April 2 fun-fly in Eugene, Ore. See text for details. Jim Corbett photo.

Oregon Flying Fun 4

Don't like the weather? Wait five minutes!

April 2, 2011, Eugene, Ore.

How did Oregon Flying Fun No. 4 go? This story tells it all:

Floyd Carter took his GeeBee stunter to the circle in sunshine, a few clouds also dotting the sky. As he took off, it started to rain, and the rain increased. Then it started to hail. Then the hail increased. Then it turned to rain and rained harder. It became a deluge. The wind came up. The rest of the fliers were huddled under a canopy to watch (photo at right). By the time Floyd landed, the rain had stopped and the sun had come out once again.

That's how it went. Weather ranged from bright sunshine and calm air to rainy and windy -- with hailstorms thrown in -- and it alternated like that all day long.

The nice weather periods were long enough that a log of flying was done, and the 16 participants ended up thinking they had a pretty darn good time at the season-ender for the annual Oregon Flying Fun series.

The event started at 10 a.m. and wrapped up about 1:30 p.m. as weather threatened again -- though by the time all the equipment was put away the weather was nice for flying again.

The host club Eugene Prop Spinners provided an array of "flying raffle" prizes. Mike Denlis brought coffee and doughnuts to start off the day and Mike Hazel cooked up hot dogs for a tasty lunch.

Attending this year's Eugene fun fly were: Mike Massey, Tom Kopriva, Dave LaFever, Gene Pape, John Thompson, Gerald Schamp, Bob Lewis, Pete Benning, Dave Shrum, Floyd Carter, Gordon Rea, Mike Denlis, Mike Hazel, Dean Rea, Jim Corbett, Dave Mitchell and David Crabtree.

Earlier stops in the Oregon Flying Fun series were in Portland, Salem and Roseburg. For details of those events, see ...

Oregon Flying Fun No. 1

Oregon Flying Fun No. 2

Oregon Flying Fun No. 3

Oregon Flying Fun 4 photos

Left photo: Two holes in the Monokote finish of John Thompson's Evil Twin, punched by hail. Right photo: Gerald Schamp prepares to start the fours-stroke engine on his Ringmaster. Jim Corbett photos.

Left photo: Dave LaFever starts the McCoy engine on his Flying Fool as Gordon Rea assists. Right photo: Mike Hazel flies the .010-powered Micro Ringmaster. Jim Corbett photos.

Some of the planes brought by the guys from Roseburg, Ore., Dave Shrum, Bob Lewis, Pete Benning and Dave Mitchell. Jim Corbett photo.

Dave LaFever shows the Oregon State University colors on one of his planes. Flying Lines photo.

Fliers were well fed by the hot dog barbecue provided by Mike Hazel. Flying Lines photo.

Bob Lewis's Tail Twister looks good in the air. Unfortunately, it was one of several planes to make inverted landings. The day was hard on equipment. Flying Lines photos.

Dave Shrum's very nice Junior Firecat, powered by Cox .09. Flying Lines photo.

A nice PT-19 among the Roseburg fliers' planes. Flying Lines photo.

Left photo: Mike Massey's Pathfinder. Right photo: Jim Corbett's P-40. Flying Lines photos.

The rain on Dave LaFever's McCoy-powered Cyclone tells the story after one of the squalls. It's built from AMA plans and made its first flight at the fun fly. Flying Lines photo.

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This page was upated April 5, 2011