Rain decorating the Evil Twin captures the atmosphere of Oregon Flying Fun No. 3 in 2014. Despite the more or less steady light rain, lots of flying occurred. Flying Lines photo.

Oregon Flying Fun No. 3

Damp weather doesn't dampen the fun in Salem

Bill Riegel Field, Salem, Ore., March 8, 2014

About 18 fliers turned up for Oregon Flying Fun No. 3 at Bill Riegel Model Airpark for the third stop in the annual fun-fly series. Light rain dampened the field and the equipment, but it didn't prevent most of those attending from making their flights. Fliers from the Western Oregon Control-Line Flyers, Eugene Prop Spinners and Northwest Fireballs, along with several fliers from Roseburg and several other Oregon points, kept the asphalt circle busy. There was also quite a bit of tiny-airplane flying on the adjacent grass. Some of the Wido Satans described in a recent Flying Lines article made their first appearances on the flying field.

The host WOLF club offered a variety nice prizes in the flying raffle, and chef ZZ (Mike Hazel) kept the chill off with some hot chili.

Among those attending were Craig Bartlett, Floyd Carter, Jim Corbett, Mike Denlis, Jerry Eichten, Richard Entwistle, Mike Hazel, Doug Knoyle, Bob Lewis, Mike Massey, Gene Pape, Doug Powers, Gordon Rea, Dean Rea, Dave Royer, Gerald Schamp and Dave Shrum and John Thompson.

The next stop in the Oregon Flying Fun series will be in McMinnville on April 6. See Where the Action Is for details.

Oregon Flying Fun 3 photos

Floyd Carter's Thunder Geezer, with the name signifying his age when he built the plane in 2013. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Royer launches Greg Hart's Shark. Flying Lines photo.

Northwest fliers welcomed Greg Hart back to the circle after a four-year hiatus. Flying Lines photo.

Gene Pape works on one of the several Wido Satans that flew. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Hazel shows off another Wido Satan. Jim Corbett photo.

A lineup of some of the planes. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Shrum's Corsair was the star of the event. Flying Lines photo.

The Corsair flying. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Denlis carriers Mike Massey's Shark off the circle after a flight. Bob Lewis photo.

The Roseburg guys, Dave Shrum and Bob Lewis, packed lots of planes for the trip. Bob Lewis photo.

Floyd Carter with one of his old-timers. Jim Corbett photo.

Roseburg fliers' planes on display. Jim Corbett photo.

Chef Mike Hazel shows off WOLF brand chili, the best! Jim Corbett photo.

This page was upated March 10, 2014

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