Fun "dry" guys: Huddled under a blanket was the place to be at the third Oregon Flying Fun session. From left: Bruce Hunt, Richard Entwistle, Doug Powers, Jerry Eichten, Mike Hazel, Gene Pape. Flying Lines photo.

Oregon Flying Fun -- 3

Annual event blown out ... well, blown over to the restaurant

March 14, 2009, Salem, Ore.

How many times have we said, "If we'd only gone flying yesterday"?

Yep, the March 14 fun fly was one day late. Shirt-sleeve weather all over the Willamette Valley on Thursday and Friday gave way to cold, windy and rainy weather on Saturday. Seven Oregon fliers showed up for the fun-fly anyway. After huddling for a while, the fliers adjourned to the nearby Flight Desk restaurant for a nice hour of food and story swapping.

We found out later that three more fliers showed up at the field, apparently just missing the initial group. It was suggested afterward that we decide in advance where we'll go in case of a weather blowout, so nobody gets left out. Great idea. We'll leave space on the flier for that note for 2010 series!

The fourth in the series of four Oregon fun flies is scheduled for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at DeAlton-Bibbee Field at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum complex in McMinnville, Ore., Airport, on Sunday, April 5. See Where the Action Is for details.

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This page was upated March 14, 2010