Takeoff: Richard Entwistle of Scappoose, Ore., launches for Doug Powers of Portland, Ore., at the Salem fun fly. The plane is an Akromaster with a Fox .19 for power. Flying Lines photo.
It was sunny some of the time, windy some of the time, rainy some of the time, and perfect for flying some of the time. Beween the bad patches -- and sometimes during them -- lots of flying got done at the third of the 2008 Oregon fun fly events, this one held at Bill Riegel Model Airpark in Salem, Ore.
Highlight of the day probably was the arrival of two brand-new classic stunt planes. Mike Haverly of Auburn, Wash., and Don McClave of Portland both stopped by on their way to Tuscon, Ariz., for the 20th annual Vintage Stunt championships, and both had their new planes. Don's is a beautiful yellow reproduction of the O'Toole Tucker, which he wrote about in the September-October 2007 edition of Stunt News. Mike showed off his Jack Sheeks-designed Freedom 45, a striking swept-wing design. Mike put the third-ever flight on the Freedom 45, and he says it's starting to show real potential.
Those attending included Bruce Hunt, Gerald Schamp, Mike Denlis, John Thompson, Dave Royer, Jack Pitcher, Greg Hart, Richard Entwistle, Doug Powers, Leo Mehl, Mike Haverly and Don McClave. Those actually putting up flights were Hunt, Denlis, Thompson, Hart, Entwistle, Powers, Mehl and Haverly.
Flying continued from about 10 a.m. until after 2 p.m. Prizes were handed out in the "flying raffle." As we picked up the equipment and prepared to leave, the weather settled pretty much finally into "partly sunny and windless." Naturally!
The fourth in the series of four Oregon fun flies is scheduled for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at DeAlton-Bibbee Field at the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Ore., on Sunday, April 6. See Where the Action Is for details.
More photos from Oregon Flying Fun No. 3:
Mike Haverly's Freedom 45, powered by O.S. LA .46. Flying Lines photo.
Don McClave's O'Toole Tucker. Don says the plane is an excellent flier. Flying Lines photo.
Two detail shots of the O'Toole Tucker. Plane is finished with Monokote, except for the fuselage, which is Lustre Kote. All trim is with Monokote. Flying Lines photo.
Left photo: Richard Entwistle holds Doug Powers' Akromaster just after the engine started. Right photo: Detail of the tail of Mike Haverly's Freedom 45. Flying Lines photos.
Left photo: At the inspiration of Mike Denlis of Eugene, Ore., some fliers are bringing out planes that bring back memories of their early days of CL flying. On the tailgate are shown, front to back, Mike's Cox T-4, John Thompson's Stunt Wagon, and Doug Powers' Stunt Master. Center photo: Doug flies the Akromaster. Flying Lines photos. Right photo: John Thompson prepares to fly the Evil Twin. Leo Mehl photo.
Above: Greg Hart of Molalla, Ore., prepares his Shark for flight. Below: A closer look at the Shark. Flying Lines photos.
This page was upated March 3, 2008