New flier: Bruce Hunt of Salem prepares to start the engine on the profile plane he and Zachary Davis built. Zachary, a new flier in the Salem area, put in quite a few flights on a couple of different airplanes at the Salem fun fly, assisted by Bruce and his mom, Gordana Davis. The third in the series of Oregon fun flies brought out a good turnout of Oregon fliers. Flying Lines photo.

Oregon Flying Fun -- 3

Bill Riegel Field fun-fly draws good turnout

March 10, 2007, Salem, Ore.

Weather has bedeviled the winter flying in Oregon, and it tried to dampen spirits a bit for the Salem fun-fly, too, but there was quite a bit of flying done anyway. It was a bit breezy, so the "talk to flying ratio" was a bit elevated, but there was a plane in the air on one circle or another most of the time. The Western Oregon Control-Line Flyers stop on the fun fly series has to be judged a success.

Zachary Davis of Salem, a new flier, did more flying than anyone, using both a couple of 1/2-A trainers and a full-size profile, with expert stunt flier Bruce Hunt assisting.

Flights also were put up by Dave La Fever, Jerry Eichten, Gary Harris, Tom Kopriva, Gerald Schamp, John Thompson and others. Several fliers attended who did not put up flights, including Dave Royer and Jack Pitcher from Portland.

Flying continued from about 10 a.m. to about 2 p.m. WOLF host Mike "ZZ" Hazel handed out some prizes in the flying raffle.

The fourth in the series of four Oregon fun flies is scheduled for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at DeAlton-Bibbee Field at the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Ore., on Sunday, April 1. See Where the Action Is for details.

More photos from Fun Fly No. 3:

Left photo: Zach flies the full-size profile plane with Bruce Hunt standing by. Right photo: Jerry Eichten flies his P-40 profile, built from Pat Johnston plans. Flying Lines photos.

Left, Jerry shows off a nice small Flite Streak Trainer at the Salem fun fly. It was built by his daughter, Tori, with dad's help, and is painted in Oregon Ducks colors. The engine is an O.S. .15 FP. Right, Zach with his profile. First flights went very well. Flying Lines photos.

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