The Hazel back yard was filled with airplanes, fliers and spectators for the Zoot Ranch Fun Fly. Planes were lined up in a two pit areas and scattered about the area. Spectators lined up in chairs and picnic tables were behind the buffet area. Flying Lines photo.

Zoot Ranch Fun Fly brings back its celebration of CL camaraderie

Mehama, Ore., Aug. 27, 2022

After a pandemic, the approximately annual Zoot Ranch Fun Fly returned to the backyard of Mike and Laura Hazel for the first time since 2019. Weather was perfect for flying and feasting, with 28 people attending the picnic and flying session. Temperature was mild, there was very slight breeze, and there were lots of airplanes! Flying began at 10 a.m. and was still going on late in the afternoon.

Attendees, who came from as far away as Portland, Medford and Redmond, brought an abundance of tasty dishes and desserts to go with the hot dogs and hamburbers provided by the hosts, Mike and Laura. The Eugene Prop Spinners, Northwest Fireballs, Western Oregon Control-Line Flyers, Roseburg area CL fliers and Rogue Eagles were represented.

As usual with fun flies, participants brought out a wide variety of airplanes, many of them of unusual types not often seen on the contest field. Planes ranged from electric Combat style to spark-ignition, radio-conrolled throttle and biplanes.

As an unscheduled highlight, Floyd Carter brought four of his many, many airplanes, to be raffled off (free), and Dave Shrum added a Floyd-built stunter to the offerings. Five lucky fliers were delighted to take home quality like-new airplanes to add to their fleets.

Attending were: Terrance and Valereie Bardue; Craig Bartlett; Floyd and Phyllis Carter; Mark and Lisa Crouse; Mike Denlis; Don and Margaret Dotter; Mike and Laura Hazel; Bob Lewis; John, Donna and Lynnette Lickley; Steve Lindstedt; Leighton Mangels; Bill Mix; Chris Nicolls; Doug Powers; Dave Royer and Alice Cotton-Royer; Dave Shrum; John Thompson: Jess Walls and Pat Dillman; and Gary Weems.

Zoot Ranch Fun Fly photos

Dave Shrum has the engine running and prepares to hand off the Floyd Carter-built plane to Gary Weems for launch. The plane later went into Floyd's free raffle. Flying Lines photo.

John Lickley launches Lynette Lickley's Pat Johnston-designed (and autographed!) profile Shark. Flying Lines photo.

Leighton Mangels flies his checkerboard Flying Clown, built by Don Curry. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Royer flies. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Shrum at the handle. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Denlis brought an RC Telemaster converted to CL and powered by an unusual Ross twin .60. Doug Powers (center) and Leighton Mangels assist in starting for a test run. Flying Lines photo.

Closeup of the Ross twin .60, with two starting batteries attached. Flying Lines photo.

Gary Weems prepares his Flite Streak for action while his Tomahawk (right) and Buster await. Flying Lines photo.

Floyd Carter organizes the raffle for four planes he gave away to lucky winners. Flying Lines photo.

Plenty of hamburgers, hot dogs, side dishes and desserts kept everyone well fed. Flying Lines photo.

Lunch break was a highlight! Steve Lindstedt photo.

Two Flying Clowns in the Portlanders' fleet. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Just filnished and not yet flown is this RD1 by Lynette and John Lickley. Designed by Robby Hunt, it is powered by an Enya .30SS. Lynette named it Demeter in honor of the plane once campaigned in Expert Precision Aerobatics by her mentor Alice Cotton-Royer. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Shrum's spark-ignition-powered stunter. Flying Lines photo.

Close-up of the engine. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Terrance Bardue flew this nice Ringmaster. Flying Lines photo.

One of many small planes in attenance, a Lil' Jumpin' Bean. Flying Lines photo.

Exemplifying the variety of different types of airplanes on hand is the Flying Lines fleet. Editor's planes included (clockwise from upper left): electric powered Gladiator Combat-style plane; Half Fast III vintage Combat plane, Barnstormer for Old-Time Stunt, Chihuahua vintage 1/2-A Combat plane, Super Ringmaster, Wido Satan vintage 1/2-A Combat plane, and, in the middle, .010-powered Wee Wun. Flying Lines photo.

Floyd Carter-built warbird, flown by Dave Shrum and then added to the raffle. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Gary Weems' Flite Streak still looks good and flies well after many flights. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Lynette Lickley's profile Shark, autographed by its designer, Pat Johnston. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Gary Weems' Tomahawk. Steve Lindstedt photo.

This one was given away in Floyd Carter's raffle, then flown later by winner Chris Nicholls. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Bob Lewis' Magician. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Mike "Zoot Zoomer" barbecued the perfect burgers. Flying Lines photo.

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This page was upated Aug. 28, 2022