Just a small group of the many interesting airplanes at the inaugural Zoot Ranch Fun Fly. Flying Lines photo.

Backyard flying at the Zoot Ranch Fun Fly

Mehama, Ore., Aug. 2, 2014

Oregon control-line fliers ventured out into the country to the home of Mike and Laura Hazel, also known as the Zoot Ranch, in the wilds of the Cascade Foothills, for a day of flying and food. Weather was perfect and the turnout of 17 fliers plus some spouses and guests made for a great daylong celebration of summer and model flying. Fliers brought lots of unusual airplanes as well as sumptuous feast.

Here are a few photos that capture the spirit of the event at the Zoot Ranch.

Zoot Ranch Fun Fly photos

Dave Shrum's Mackey Lark in the air. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Hazel (left) and Mike Denlis under the shade trees. Flying Lines photo.

Doug Powers flies his Skyray. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Shrum (left) and Craig Bartlett discuss finer points of starting the Fox .36 in Dave's Lark. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Royer prepares to start the engine on Alice Cotton-Royer's Firecat, with Gerald Schamp assisting. Bill Lee photo.

Alice Cotton-Royer flies her Firecat. Flying Lines photo.

Mike and Laura haul out a load of food for the lunch. Flying Lines photo.

Floyd Carter makes a low inverted pass with his trimotor. Flying Lines photo.

Bill Lee demonstrated low-tech carrier flying -- a small airplane with no throttle but a third line to pull out the tail to slow it down. He cartwheeled it on this landing, but later made a perfect arrested-hook landing. Flying Lines photo.

John Thompson starts the engine on his Old-Time Stunt Ringmaster, with Robin Mason holding, as the potluck feast is prepared in the background. Bill Lee photo.

This angle shows that there's just enough room for a plane on 65-foot lines to clear the trees at the Zoot Ranch circle. That's Mike Denlis' Trivial Pursuit with about a wingspan to spare. In background, the Zoot workshop (left) with living quarters attached. Flying Lines photo.

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This page was upated Aug. 5, 2014