Tim Wescott flies at the WOLF Fall Finale Fun Fly. Sunglasses necessary on Oct. 28! Mike Hazel photo.

The WOLF Fall Finale Fun Fly was ... Fabulous!

Bill Riegel Model Airpark, Salem, Ore., Oct. 28, 2017

By Mike Hazel

The conditions were perfect for this event, clear skies with calm air and 70 degree temperatures. Several control-line pilots were on hand at the Bill Riegel Model Airpark in Salem to put up flights with various Stunt, Combat, and sport planes. Most of the flying was done on the asphalt circle, but a few flights were done on the grass circle which is slated for improvements in 2018.

There was a pot of hot chili on the stove for lunch, and a table full of prizes with something for everybody who put in a flight during the day. WOLF members in attendance were: Craig Bartlett, Gene Pape, Gary Harris, Mike Hazel, Conrad Anglin, Jerry Eichten, Dave Royer, Dean Singleton and Steve Lindstedt. Also attending were Roy DeCamara, Tim Wescott, Richard Entwhistle, Dave Shrum, Bob Lewis, Pat Chewning and Jim Corbett. Nearly everybody put up at least one flight.

Dave Royer checks the date on his watch -- is it really almost November? Mike Hazel photo.

Roy DeCamara at the handle. Mike Hazel photo.

Gary Harris prepares an 80mph Combat plane for a flight. Mike Hazel photo.

Prizes for everybody. Mike Hazel photo.

This page was upated Nov. 1, 2017

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