1. PURPOSE: This event is intended to provide a competitive opportunity for fliers of all ability levels using profile-fuselage airplanes.

2. All rules for AMA precision aerobatics shall apply except as follows:

3. Airplane: Any profile airplane is allowed.
3.1. The engine may be mounted in any configuration -- side-mounted, upright or inverted.
3.2. Doublers or triplers and cheek cowls are allowed, including faired spinners, but the fuselage must meet the "profile" definition of maximum 3/4" thickness by the trailing edge of the wing/flap hinge line, and the engine must be fully exposed from lugs to plug.

4. Engine: Any engine up to 15cc/ Electrics allowed per AMA Stunt Rules.
4.1. Mufflers are allowed, but not mandatory. Any exhaust system is allowed.

5. Lines: Line sizes must follow AMA Precision aerobatics guidelines

6. Pattern: Standard AMA Precision Aerobatics pattern.

7. Appearance: There are no appearance points.

8. Skill classes: Whenever possible, competition shall be divided into two skill divisions, as follows:
8.1. Expert: Any flier may enter this class.
8.2. Sportsman: PAMPA expert-class skill fliers may not fly in this class.


Northwest rules are coordinated and sponsored by Flying Lines, the independent voice of Northwest Control-Line model aviation.
Suggested donation is $5 per year.

Flying Lines
2456 Quince St.
Eugene, OR 97404

E-mail for more information

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