Profile requirement proposed for .15 Carrier

Clarifies intent that models in this event have profile fuselage

The proposer has withdrawn this proposal as of Jan. 22

Joe Just has proposed a change to the Northwest .15 Carrier rules. This proposal would add the requirement that planes used in Northwest .15 Navy Carrier have profile fuselages. Joe reports that this is standard for .15 Carrier events in other parts of the United States; the proposal would bring the Northwest rules into line with other regions.

Summary of proposal:

The word "profile" would be added to the airplane requirement section.

It should be noted that the Northwest .15 Carrier rules, since their inception, have carried the "provisional" tag, which means that these are the initial rules put into use informally. The upcoming vote on Joe Just's proposal would, in addition to adding the profile requirement, represent the first formal vote on the entire rule package.

At this time, a period of discussion is open on the topic. Voting will begin on Feb. 20, 2011. A thread has been started on the Northwest Message Boards for discussion of this proposal. Post your comments about the proposal there.

For more on the process of promulgating and revising Northwest control-line competition rules, see the Northwest Rules section.

Proposed 2011 NW .15 Carrier rules
Proposed new language in red; deleted languate in italic


1. PURPOSE: It is the intent that this event will provide an entry level Navy Carrier competition using a simple airplane.

2. AIRPLANES: Any profile model is allowed; it is not required to be a model of a full-scale airplaneaircraft. Working functions are strictly limited to throttle, hook and elevator; no working flaps, ailerons, rudder, etc. The tail "wheel" may be a non-moving hook.

3. ENGINES are limited to .15 displacement. Muffler pressure is allowed. Mufflers are recommended but not mandatory.

4. LINES, as measured from the center of the handle's grip to the center line of the aircraft, must be between 52 feet and 52 feet, 6 inches, with a diameter of .012 inch or larger.

5. PULL TEST shall be 25 Lbs.

6. MAXIMUM HIGH SPEED shall be 70 mph or 25.5 seconds.

7. Model shall be timed for 8 laps for high speed and low speed.

8. All AMA general rules, control-line rules and Navy Carrier rules shall apply unless specifically addressed above.

Existing rules


1. PURPOSE: It is the intent that this event will provide an entry level Navy Carrier competition using a simple airplane.

2. AIRPLANES: Any model is allowed; it is not required to be a model of a full-scale aircraft. Working functions are strictly limited to throttle, hook and elevator; no working flaps, ailerons, rudder, etc. The tail "wheel" may be a non-moving hook.

3. ENGINES are limited to .15 displacement. Muffler pressure is allowed. Mufflers are recommended but not mandatory.

4. LINES, as measured from the center of the handle's grip to the center line of the aircraft, must be between 52 feet and 52 feet, 6 inches, with a diameter of .012 inch or larger.

5. PULL TEST shall be 25 Lbs.

6. MAXIMUM HIGH SPEED shall be 70 mph or 25.5 seconds.

7. Model shall be timed for 8 laps for high speed and low speed.

8. All AMA general rules, control-line rules and Navy Carrier rules shall apply unless specifically addressed above.

For information, contact: Mike Potter.

oh/jmt/4/16/93 -- r:mp/jmt/10/24/08

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This page was upated Jan. 22, 2011