Northwest fliers participate in 2022 Ringmaster fly-a-thonSee fly-a-thon website for up-to-date worldwide flight totalControl-line model aviators in several Northwest locations put up flights on various kinds of Ringmasters over the Oct. 1-2 weekend (and surrounding dates) as part of the worldwide Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon sponsored by the Brotherhood of the Ring. The Brotherhood's John Cralley gathers flight data from around the world and compiles a spreadsheet showing what variants of Ringmasters were flown at the many locations where the flying took place. Latest flight data is available on the fly-a-thon website. Worldwide report: 10,481 flightsBy John Cralley The final worldwide total of Ringmaster flights reported to the coordinators as of Oct. 112 was 10,481 flights by 605 fliers. See the graphic for official commentary: See 2022 final site-by-site tallyNorthwest Ringmaster flightsIn the Northwest, flights are known to have taken place in Auburn, Wash., Chehalis, Wash., Eagle Point, Ore., Junction City, Ore., Redmond, Ore., Salem, Ore., Portland, Ore., and Richmond, B.C. and Salmon Arm, B.C. At least 999 flights were made by at least 65 pilots at Northwest venues. The reports below are from the various organizations and individuals who participated; some of the data is taken from the worldwide report.. Washington stateRod Claus (left) an Jim McCartney fly two Ringmasters at a time at Auburn Municipal Airport. Dave Gardner photo. Auburn, Wash., Ringmaster flightsOct. 1-2, Auburn Municipal Airport, Auburn, Wash.By Dave GardnerEleven pilots from the Northwest Skyraiders flew 57 flights over the two days. We combined the results of both days, for our totals this year. Overall it was not a bad turnout with all those flights on one circle! Well, some guys ran some practice Here is the schedule of names and number of flights. Some of the airplane/engine data was not necessarily recorded — this IS a low-key event, but they were all Ringmasters of some sort! All in all, a great time was had by everyone who attended. Saturday was clear and VERY sunny! (too damn bright!), but made up for it with some late morning wind — not bad, just "bouncy.". Sunday started much the same way, with a batch of successful flights, then some wind, then some closure. Saturday also featured our ‘dancing with the stars’, with Rod Claus and Jim McCartney flying some interesting "two-up" flights. There was some potential miscommunication between the pilots ("I said I was going INVERTED, with OUTSIDE LOOPS — why are we flying head-on.??") There really wasn’t enough time to say all that — mostly "holeee crap"! Thanks to those who helped make it all work, including Jim McCartney, Rodney Claus, Randy Ling and Steve Holt (for helping fix the rolling gate!) — and all the others gathered to enjoy the camaraderie that this event brings together. It was my pleasure to be the ‘fast and loose’ event organizer, with, perhaps, a reasonable Click here to see more photos!Lineup of planes at Auburn Airport on Saturday. Dave Gardner photo. Chehalis, Wash., Ringmaster flightsSept. 30-Oct. 2, Faro Field, Chehalis, Wash.The Faro Field Flyers started Friday early afternoon and flew three circles until dusk each day, for a total of 699 flights. We had 11 pilots throughout the weekend with four of us trying to break the 100 flight total to get a t-shirt. After that it just became competitive then to see who could get the most. Fliers were:
Planes included six Ringmaster S-1 either from Sterling kits or from plans; six Ringmaster tributes kitted by Skyward Hobbies; and one Ringmaster Super Flash built from blown-up plans. Olympia, Wash., Ringmaster flightsJim Dickerman flew 20 flights on an electric S-1 Ringmaster at the Thurston County Miniature Aircraft Association field. OregonEugene, Ore., area Ringmaster flightsGene Pape puts an S-1 Ringmaster though its paces. Flying Lines photo. Oct. 2, Can Do Ranch, Junction City, Ore.The Eugene Prop Spinners worked Ringmaster flights into their weekly flying session. Gene Pape, Gary Weems and John Thompson flew, with support from Jim Corbett and Mike Denlis. Flights were:
Prop Spinners Ringmasters await action. Flying Lines photo. Salem Ringmaster flightsOct. 1-2, Bill Riegel Model Air Park, Salem, Ore.By Mike Hazel The Western Oregon Control Line Flyers had a small local turnout for the event, but fortunately some of the Roseburg gang decided to make the drive and join us. Weather was nice and the wind was manageable most of the day. There were some other planes in the air besides Ringmasters, but the Rings got most of the air time. Following is a summary of the flights in order with the Ring version, everyone putting in just one flight per plane:
Portland Ringmaster flightsDelightful fall weather enhanced the beauty of a wide variety of Ringmaster designs at Jim Walker Memorial Field in Portland. Don Curry photo. Reported by Don Curry Oct. 2, Jim Walker Memorial field, Delta Park, Portland, Ore.Fliers included Terrance Bardue, Dave Baxter, Jim Cameron, Don Curry, Leighton Mangels, Chris Nicholls, Doug Powers and Dave Royer. They made 113 flights on S-1, Baby, Super, Imperial and Baby Imperial Ringmasters. The flying session was hosted by the Northwest Fireballs. Dave Baxter prepares a Ringmaster for flight as another team gets a plane started on the asphalt circle. Don Curry photo. Ringmasters large and small await flights in Portland. Don Curry photo. A very nie Ringmaster Imperial. Don Curry photo. Medford, Ore., area Ringmaster flightsVarious Ringmaster variants await action alongside the carpeted circle in Eagle Point, Ore. Oct. 2, Rogue Eagles RC Club, Eagle Point, Ore.By Jess Walls We had five pilots fly 16 flights total. One S-1 Ringmaster and 1 S-2 version. We also had non-flying Imperial, Super and Junior Ringmasters.
The S2 saw most of the action because it is throttle equipped! We would put in 5-6 laps, then land and someone else would take over. Returning pilots especially like being able to throttle back and land when they start to get dizzy!
Jess Walls, Walter Hicks, Marshall Palmer, Rich Schwegerl and Guy Laine were the pilots.
Guy used to be quite active in speed and stunt then he moved to R/C pylon racing for a while. It has been many years since he flew C/L but he flew today because of this event!!
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