Northwest fliers join in 2019 Ringmaster fly-a-thon

6,127 flights made worldwide

Control-line model aviators in several Northwest locations put up flights on various kinds of Ringmasters over the Oct. 5-6 weekend (and surrounding dates) as part of the worldwide Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon sponsored by the Brotherhood of the Ring.

The Brotherhood's John Cralley reports that the final tally indicates that 554 pilots made 6,127 flights, breaking the rule for the world's largest control-line fun fly. Last year, 655 pilots flew 5,608 flights.

An Excel file details all the flights made around the world in the 2019 fun fly. Cralley reports that there may still be corrections to this final report.

The reports below are from the various organizations and individuals who participated. Flying Lines will post information on other venues as we receive it.

Various styles of Ringmasters displayed at the Portland flying site, Jim Walker Field at East Delta Park. Pat Chewning photo.

Portland Ringmaster flights

By Don Curry

Oct. 4-6, Jim Walker Memorial field, Delta Park, Portland, Ore.

Puget Sound area Ringmaster flights

By Dave Gardner

Northwest Skyraiders members and others put in 101 flights on the "rain date" days of Oct. 10-11.

Click here to see full report on Skyraiders flights

Weather was great for flying at the Kent site. Dave Gardner photo.

The flight line at North Green River Park soccer field. Dave Gardner photo.

Steve Holt launches a Ringmaster. Dave Gardner photo.

The Ringmonster, powered by Fox. 78. Dave Gardner photo.

Al Fernandez' Baby Ringmaster Bipe. Dave Gardner photo.

John Hall's Ringmaster Bipe. Dave Gardner photo.

Ringmasters lined up awaiting action in Salem on Oct. 4 included S-1, Junior, Baby and Micro Ringmasters. Mike Hazel photo.

Salem Ringmaster flights

By Mike Hazel

Oct. 4-6, Bill Riegel Model Airpark, Salem, Ore.

The Western Oregon Control Line Flyers participated in the World-wide Ringmaster event. WOLF president Craig Bartlett organized the Friday Ringmaster day which had a small but enthusiastic group.

The flying was cut short on Friday with some afternoon rainfall, but the rest of the weekend was nearly perfect. A few more flights were put up during the Fall Follies contest on Saturday and Sunday.

Following is a summary of the pilots and planes and flights flown for the overall event in Salem. These 21 flights will be added to the World-wide event tally in which a goal of 6,000 flights was made. By the way, for those of you who are Ringmaster-illiterate, “S-1” is the original design with a 42 inch wingspan.

David LaFever, 4 flights (S-1, and Junior)
Mike Hazel, 4 flights (S-1, and Baby)
Craig Bartlett, 2 flights (S-1)
Gene Pape, 2 flights (S-1)
Dane Covey, 3 flights (S-1)
Pat Chewning, 2 flights (S-1)
John Thompson, 4 flights (S-1)

Roseburg Ringmaster flights

Roseburg, Ore., CL organizer Bob Lewis reports that newcomer Chris Nicholls got in at least one flight at Sunshine Park on Oct. 5.

Eastern Washington Ringmaster flights

Dave Miller and Joe Just put in 14 Ringmaster flights at the fairgrounds in Waitsburg, Wash.

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This page was upated Oct. 29, 2019