Tigercat by Dave McCheyne. Three lines, two throttled LA15's and a spectacular flyer. Paul Bedford photo.

Mission wings "NS with BS" fun-fly

Aug. 23, 2009, Mission, B.C.

By Paul Bedford

The great day arrived with absolutely fabulous flying weather. Temperatures were in the high teens, no wind, with 15 pilots and planes numbering in the 20's. Everything from 020 size to a twin Tigercat using throttle control.

Pilots came from 3 different control line clubs. Mission wings, Pacific Aero modellers and Vancouver Gas Model Club. Members of the V.G.M.C. led by Bruce Duncan, very generously donated $100 to the Mission wings club to help cover the cost of the event. These gentlemen are too generous to a fault.

After a brief pilots meeting the fun started. First was a mandatory pull test. No problems with that. My co. C.D Mr Paul Dranfield started the BBQ and brewed coffee while doughnuts were eagerly consumed. As flying got underway more pilots arrived and were lining up on the flight line. Paul D started D,Bat with Mel Lyne. The rest of us continued to cycle through a vast assortment of models. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves although I noticed a lot of talking and laughter. I took this to mean people were enjoying themselves. More pilots arrived and Paul D started the hamburgers. I took over for him and made sure everyone got at least one burger.

After a leisurely lunch I put out challenge by planting a stick with a balloon just outside the circle. Many passes made both inside and out. Keith Varley finally succeed even after measuring and using his wallet as a base plate.

Bruce Duncan flew his 020 c/l with 18ft lines. I heard the buzz but couldn't see the plane. I'm told he did a lot of lazy 8's.

The Tigercat flown by Dave McCheyne was great to listen to as the engines got into sync. Throttling down at the top of a wingover, then levelling off for a touch and go was a great crowd pleaser, as was slooooow inverted flight.

Lynn Murray showed he has not forgotten skills he has not used for a number of years but just can't make up his mind whether to go upright or inverted. Mother earth grabbed him instead. Later he challenged M.E by "cracking the whip" Wingovers with a pull out inches to spare.

Towards the end of the day pilots were starting to leave so Paul D and I started to wrap things up.

We had been selling raffle tickets throughout the day for 3 different Control line models. Two models had been kindly donated by Dennis Mathews. The models had been wrapped in paper so the articles could not be I.D. First pick went to Wayne Scott. Second to Paul D. Third to Henry Hajdik.

Then I presented, I use that word loosely, all pilots with a small memento (bribe) so we won't be forgotten.

I also let the secret out about the meaning of the title "NS with BS" For those who wish to know, you will have to wait till next year.

Paul Dranfield and I thank you all for having a great day.

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This page was upated Sept. 11, 2009