The Mission Wings club shows off their planes at the Aug. 27, 2006 fun fly. Paul Bedford photos.
The annual Mission wings control line fun fly was held Sunday August 27th. A better day could not be wished for. Hot, sunny and the best of company.
A total of eight pilots and many airplanes of every shape, size, colour and "experience."
The theme this year was "NS with BS" This would explained at
the awards ceremony. Four rounds with a different task each round were explained
to the intrepid group. The tasks were "fill and fly," fly half
as much as the first time, fly and drink water and balloon bust.
Each task was carefully thought out and rule adjusted to suit as we went along. Much laughter was the only rule that was enforced. The winner of each round was awarded a prize. They were all the same so there were no arguments. Lunch was the only interruption.
At the awards ceremony "NS with BS" was demystified as "NO Shorts with Black Socks." There was one candidate and he was rewarded with a pair of white socks. And so it went with everyone getting at least one pair of white socks for winning any event. If the socks don't fit they could be used as mittens.
I've included a picture of the group and a picture of a plane a split second before it burst the balloon. One lap later and the plane was destroyed when one of the lines pulled out. Great timing.
The group picture has left to right, Barry Shandel, Dennis Mathews, Jack Oster, Paul Dranfield and Paul Bedford. Second picture shows Barry,s plane a split second before the bust. On the next lap the line pulled out and the plane was destroyed. "It served its purpose." Barry said.
This page was upated Sept. 4, 2007