Doug Powers of Portland, Ore., glides his Akromaster to a landing at the Lucky Hand Fun Fly. Flying Lines photo.

Lucky Hand Fun Fly 2020

Social-distance CL socializing at the annual poker party

Salem, Ore., July 25, 2020

The furst organized control-line flying event in Oregon since February took place at Bill Riegel Field on a sunny, mid-80s day, with masks, social distancing and launching from stooges in use to make flying possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seventeen CL fliers showed up to participate in the annual poker hand game or just to fly or watch the fun.

It was breezy all day, but seldom above 8 mph. If they had a choice, fliers tended to choose more expandable planes for their flights, and the circle was busy from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. despite the wind. None of the smaller 1/2-A-size planes flew because of the wind, but several were on display.

Planes flown were mostly Stunt types, though there also were lots of sport planes, Combat planes, a Carrier plane and a few in the "miscellaneous" category.

The poker game works like this: Every time someone makes a flight, they get a playing card; when they have five cards, they have a poker hand. Best hand wins half the entry fees -- and second- and third-place hands get merchandise prizes. This year, John Thompson of Eugene, Ore., had the best hand, taking home $65. Gary Harris of Banks, Ore., was second, and Craig Bartlett of Adair Village, Ore., was third. All are members of the sponsoring Western Oregon Control Line Flyers.

Attending were: Craig Bartlett, Pat Chewning, Mike Denlis, Don Dotter, Jerry Eichten, Mike Hazel, Gary Harris, Donna Lickley, John Lickley, Lynette Lickley, Steve Lindstedt, Doug Powers, Mark Schluter, Dave Shrum, John Thompson, Bruce Tunberg, Gary and Peggy Weems and Tim Wescott.

Lucky Hand Fun Fly photos

Mr. Stubby leaves the stooge with Mike Hazel at the handle. Flying Lines photo.

Peggy Weems launches Gary's Buster. Flying Lines photo.

Mark Schluter warms up the engine on a stunt plane while Bruce Tunberg watches. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Hazel puts Mr. Stubby through his paces. Flying Lines photo.

Lynette Lickley shows good launching form as her dad, John, takes off. Flying Lines photo.

Jerry Eichten at the handle. Flying Lines photo.

John Thompson (left) and Pat Chewning examine John's Stunt plane during a discussion of electric power. Steve Lindstedt photo.

John Lickley at the handle. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Denlis starts the Aero Tiger .36 in his Blackbird, as John Thompson holds. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Dave Shrum holds Mark Schluter's stunt plane before a launch. Steve Lindstedt photo.

John Thompson brought a variety of planes, from left: Electric Crossfire Stunt plane, electric Gladiator Combat-style plane, Scrub J Profile Stunt plane, powered by Evolution .36. The little Gladiator got the most attention from spectators -- silent high-performance! Steve Lindstedt photo.

Gary Weems' Buster, powered by McCoy .35 on crankcase pressure. Steve Linstedt photo.

Doug Powers' little plane was many of the 1/2-A planes that didn't fly because of the wind. Steve Lindstedt photo.

This Blackbird has been around. It still carries the AMA number of its builder, the late Don McClave. Since then it has been owned by Bruce Hunt, John Thompson and currently Mike Denlis. Power is an Aero Tiger .36. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Dave Shrum shows off one of his 1/2-A Scale planes. Steve Lindstedt photo.

John Thompson's Super Ringmaster, built just for fun flies like this! Steve Lindstedt photo.

Doug Powers' venerable Skyrai suffered a minor wind-caused mishap. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Tim Wescott flew this Atlantis, a Paul Walker designed and built plane now converted to electric power. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Mark Schluter flew this well-used Carrier plane. Steve Lindstedt photo.

Oh, Mr. Stubby, how did you fly through those wires without getting zapped? (In reality, the telephoto lens makes the wires look close, but they actually are far away.) Flying Lines photo.

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This page was upated July 11, 2021