Dave Shrum takes off with his Miss Peggy (named after his wife) at the 2019 Lucky Hand Fun Fly, as his son Brad launches and young Kadin watches. Flying Lines photo.

Lucky Hand Fun Fly 2019

Traditional control-line poker hand party

Salem, Ore., July 13, 2019

By Mike Hazel

Eleven control-line pilots participated in this traditional event put on by the Western Oregon Control Line Flyers. The attendance was slightly down from the usual, but there was plenty of flying. The action included a variety of planes, with Combat, Stunt, Speed, and plenty of sport types including many 1/2 A ships. Dave Shrum had a small fleet of spark ignition birds that he put up.

A new feature that was tried this year was to block off the cul-de-sac paved area to make an additional small flying circle. This area accommodated up to 35-foot lines and worked out great, especially since the pavement there is so smooth. Before the event, the area was cleaned off with a leaf blower. Gene Pape commented that this area was just perfect for the little planes.

The weather was great for the day; temperatures in the eighties and a light breeze made it all very pleasant.

Doug Powers of Portland, Ore., got the winning hand and went home with $55. As per event tradition, second- and third-best hands got merchandise awards. Gary Weems from Monroe, Ore., and Craig Bartlett from Corvallis, Ore., came away with prizes. A special extra amount of booty was donated by Dave Shrum of Roseburg, Ore., in the form of a box of nice used engines. Everyone came away with a prize this year.

Participants were: Craig Bartlett, Floyd Carter, Mike Denlis, Jerry Eichten, Mike Hazel, Steve Lindstedt, Gene Pape, Doug Powers, Dave Shrum, John Thompson and Gary Weems.

Lucky Hand Fun Fly photos

Dave Shrum's Miss Peggy awaits a flight. Unfortunately, trouble on takeoff led to a crash (below). Flying Lines photo.

Sad end to a beautiful small airplane. Flying Lines photo.

Floyd Carter's Madman Jr. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Shrum (left) and Floyd Carter. Flying Lines photo.

A variety of planes kept the grass circle busy. From foreground: John Thompson's Yuvenko Fast Combat plane, Craig Bartlett's Tutor, and Gary Weems' Buster and Flite Streak. Flying Lines photo.

Gary Weems flies his yellow Flite Streak. Jerry Eichten photo.

Many small planes used the small cul-de-sac circle. This vintage Wen Mac P-39 was displayed by Mike Denlis of Eugene, Ore. Flying Lines photo.

Gene Pape put together this vintage Jim Walker Firebaby from a box of parts he found on eBay. The wing is a new one Gene built, with graphics printed on an inkjet printer and applied to the wing. Gene made five flights on the Firebaby with the vintage Babe Bee engine. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Shrum brought many spark-ignition-powered planes, including these three. Flying Lines photo.

More of Dave Shrum's fleet -- these are all small, scratch-built planes. Flying Lines photo.

Jerry Eichten's electric P-40 Profile Stunt plane. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Hazel's vintage Speed plane. Flying Lines photo.

One of many of Floyd Carter's original-design stunters. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Shrum's Boxcar Chief, a spark-iginition-powered 1947 design. Flying Lines photo.

Steve Lindstedt with his Yak-9. Flying Lines photo.

Floyd Carter's GeeBee. Steve Lindstedt photo.

John Thompson's Lil' Dawg (Washington Huskies colors) makes its annual fun-fly appearance. It's actually a Walt Musciano Golden Hawk built from a Blackhawk kit, overpowered with a Black Widow .049. Flying Lines photo.

It was a day of fun flying and also a little bit of serious testing. John Thompson prepares to start the Nelson .36 on a Fast Combat plane, getting ready for an upcoming contest, while Gene Pape holds. Floyd Carter photo.

The Lucky Hand Fun Fly is just a box of fun! And here's a box of 1/2-A fun by Doug Powers. Flying Lines photo.

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