Fun-flies bring out lots of unusual airplanes. This is Pete Benning's little Staggerwing. Flying Lines photo.

Lucky Hand Fun Fly 2013

Record turnout for annual summer poker bash

Salem, Ore., July 6, 2013

Bill Riegel Model Airpark was the place to be on this beautiful summer day, and Oregon fliers from as far as the Portland and Roseburg areas gathered for a day of flying, flying, flying.

Every flight brought the pilot a playing card, and the best hands were awarded prizes. Seventeen fliers signed up for the official chance at prizes, and some flew without entering the poker draw. A total of 72 official flights were made.

At the end, the best hand was owned by Ron Anderson of Vancouver, Wash., who took home the $85 in cash. Dave Shrum and Pete Benning, both from Roseburg, took home merchandise prizes.

As usual, a variety of planes were in the air, with sometimes three circles going at once.  Most planes were of the stunt and sport type, but some combat planes were also flown and even a couple of scale birds for good measure.

Participants included Ron Anderson, Craig Bartlett, Pete Benning, Floyd Carter, Mike Denlis, Richard Entwhistle, Mark Hansen, Jim Harper, Mike Hazel, Doug Knoyle, Dave LaFever, Bob Lewis, Jerry Olson, Gene Pape, Dave Shrum, John Thompson, Bruce Tunberg,

Lucky Hand Fun Fly photos

Jim Harper's Pathfinder looks nice in the air! Flying Lines photo.

Dave Shrum flew this vintage Waco with throttle at last year's Lucky Hand, too. Here it's seen on takeoff. Flying Lines photo.

Dave LaFever launches Gene Pape's 1/2-A Combat plane. Flying Lines photo.

Pete Benning flies the little biplane. Flying Lines photo.

Lineup of some of the planes waiting for flights on the asphalt circle. The three neareste were flown by Floyd Carter. Flying Lines photo.

Richard Entwhistle flew this Thunderbird. Flying Lines photo.

One of two grass circles was kept busy by Ron Anderson (left), Bruce Tunberg (starting engine) and Mark Hansen. Flying Lines photo.

Ron Anderson's Skyray (left) and Mark Hansen's Shoestring. Flying Lines photo.

Jim Harper flies his Pathfinder. Flying Lines photo.

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