Jim harper flies at the 2010 Lucky Hand Fun Fly, with a row of planes in the foreground. Flying Lines photo.

Lucky Hand Fun Fly 2010

A fine summer day at Bill Riegel Model Airpark

Salem, Ore., July 10, 2010

By Mike Hazel

     Sunny skies and warm temperatures greeted the participants at this year’s fun fly, which is hosted by the Western Oregon Control Line Flyers based in Salem.  The wind kicked up occasionally in the afternoon, but was manageable most of the time.
     Most of the flying done was of the aerobatics variety, with some 1/2 A sport and combat jobs, and also a couple of monoline trainer planes to complete the mix.  There were a total of eleven participants in the flying poker draw action.  Several other modelers showed up to spectate and visit for awhile as well. Kris Hunt supplied snacks and cold water for everybody, thanks!
     The top lucky hand belonged to Mike Denlis of Eugene, who took the cash prize. Bruce Hunt of Salem was second and snagged a slightly used Fox 35 for his award.  Tom Kopriva of Eugene won some fuel for his third place hand.
     Other participants were: Ron Anderson, John Thompson, Mike Hazel, Jim Harper, Jeff Christianson, Richard Entwhistle, Mark Hansen, and Steve Kendall.

Lucky Hand Fun Fly photos

Some photos may be unidentified ... if you can provide info, please do!

Left: Stunter from the Portland group; didn't get the flier's name. Jim Corbett photo. Right: Steve Kendall's Skyray. Flying Lines photo.

Left: Richard Entwhistle's Cardinal. Right: Geoff Christianson's Oriental. Flying Lines photos.

Left: John Thompson's Vector. Right: Nobler built by Floyd Carter, flown by Mike Denlis. Jim Corbett photos.

Left: Mike Denlis' monoline Skyray. Right: Bruce Hunt' Lark. Jim Corbett photos.

Left: Two little ones: Top is Tom Kopriva's flapped stunter, bottom Mike Denlis' vintage Cox plane. Jim Corbett photo. Right: Portland guys taking it easy. Flying Lines photo.

Left: Chow was provided by Kris Hunt. Right: The prize table. Jim Corbett photos.

Left: John Thompson prepares the Bi-Slob, while Mike Denlis assists. Split fuel line caused a minor mishap. Right: Some of the planes.Jim Corbett photos.

The guys await the prize giveaway. Mike Denlis, on right, had the winning poker hand. Jim Corbett photo.

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This page was upated July 12, 2010