The Broadway Bod Busters

The Prowner 1/2-A Proto Speed kit parts, and a rough-ed out plane. Bob Whitney photo.

The Prowler 1/2-A Proto Speed kit
or: Doing it right

By Ken Burdick

Yes folks, it's true.

Bob Whitney, better known as F2C Racer on various control line bulletin boards, has made an outstanding Proto Speed kit.

Kenny-b was minding his own business happily NOT flying 1/2A Proto after giving his project to one-time record holder Bruce Thunberg.

Ahhhh ... life is good without having to worry about .049 engines running 35,000 and chasing Jerry Rocha for the record. Not much chance of that happening around me anyway. Where was I ... oh yes ...

I was reading the Delphi Speed Forum when there in front of me was this message.

In the works, complete prowler 1/2 A proto kits from BMJR and Bob Whitney also left and right handed proto props, possibly 10 cc tanks.

I immediately wrote back asking for Bob to notify me as soon as they were done and to put me down for a kit. I just got out of the event ... don't ask me why I did this.

Not too long after that, Bob wrote to say the kits were complete, I sent him the check and shortly after Thanksgiving, a kit arrived.


My experience with laser-cut kits is limited to a few but this one, as simple as it is, has been better thought out and executed than others I have purchased. The cutting is excellent and design impressive, I can't wait to bolt on a fresh Picco and fly it.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Bob reports that he hopes to have a Mouse 1 kit with the same wing and tail and mouse fuselage after the first of the year, with a ball bearing circular bellcrank.

-- Kenny-b

Assembled but unfinished Prowler. Bob Whitney photo.

The kit fits in a small box! Ken Burdick photo.

Everything comes neatly packaged. Ken Burdick photo.

The bellcrank includes buttons for line ends. Ken Burdick photo.

This is Bob's original plane, now 10 years old. It has a slightly higher wing than the kit version. Bob says the spelling on the wing is a late-night slip of the pen. Bob Whitney photo.

See Ken's article on construction of the Prowler

This page was upated Feb. 27, 2013

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