Little is known about the mysterious nature of the computer-robotic control-line airplane pilot machine,
except that it is controlled by this pole. Ken Burdick photo.
Hear ye hear ye ...

You are officially notified of THE DUEL.
Outraged by recent events brought about by The Count of Cheddar, also known as Greg Davis (left) and often referred to as 'The Cheese, The Duke of Williams, also known as Barrie Hobkirk (right) and often referred to as The Butcher has challenged said Cheese and his abominable Combat machine to a duel.
As you know, the Cheese has developed a nonhuman Combat flyer. This was done in his laboratory and has NO connection to synthetic biology. The monster is purely electro-mechanical. See device pictured above.
The Duel, as it has become to be known, was held at the Richmond, B.C. Rice Mill Road flying site.
The event was conducted according to the Marcus of Kamloops rules, which were be penned by myself and the Duke of Duncan, often called Adrian Duncan and frequently referred to as ... Well, many things.
He would answer to HI and to any loud cry, such as fry me' or fritter my wig.
To "what-you-may-call-um," or, what was his name!
But especially Thing-um-a-jig
The issue, as it has become to be known, is that The Duke of Williams is emphatic that the device come to be known as T-Bat, is un-natural and must be defeated by man, or we stand the risk of losing Diesel Combat as we've come to know it.
Therefore we had no other course than to require satisfaction for the parties involved.
The Bout: Run per the Marcus of Kamloops rules.
The Duelists:
The Duke of Williams; Second: The Earl of Delta Kelley Crozier
The Count of Cheddar: Second: Some guy back East
Venue: Richmond, B.C.
Time: Dawn PDT
Judges: The Marcus of Kamloops The Duke of Duncan