A View from
Restoring a Creamsicle

In honor of Norm McFadden, who designed
the AMA Fast Combat plane called a Creamsicle and used it
to win the U.S. Nationals and many other contests, author
Ken has restored this model of the Creamsicle built by
Dick and Rich Salter. Ken Burdick photo.
By Ken Burdick
Yes Folks, it’s true.
Once upon a time, there was a much-feared combination of
combat wing, flier and engine. These were all the brainchild
of a friend of mine, Norm McFadden (photo at right). Norm
died in 2023, and I was in another country and unable to
attend the memorial. Norm and I worked together at Carver
Corporation for about seven years, helping to take it from a
garage operation, to a world-renowned esoteric hi-fi
When there were the few brief moments of off time, Norm and
I would talk Combat. He had a design in mind that would be
stiff enough to run the leadouts to the very rear of the
wingtip. It would not work with foam, because it caused the
wingtip to pull down, making the outboard wing to cant down
and amplifying the problem. The advantage of this is to have
lots of line tension helpful in eyes-off flying.
By now I am sure some of you know that I’m talking about the
Creamsicle. We named it that because Norm used white and
orange covering like the ice cream bar. The soft-spoken
McFadden terrorized everyone in the U.S. with that thing for
years, and you could always tell when Norm ran his engine.
It was before Henry produced his superb .36 and changed the
Fast Combat landscape forever. Norm shared exhaust timing
specs with both Henry and Duke Fox — guess which one
After Norm’s memorial, my good friend Gene Pape asked if I
would like a keepsake and offered me a Norm McFadden Fox .36
MK3. I gladly accepted. Gene built the engine from parts in
a treasure trove of parts that were still in Norm’s shop. It
arrived in Seattle along with a Voodoo kit Norm had given
Gene many years ago. Well, these engines were pretty rare
and I was elated to say the least.
I called good buddy John Knoppi to tell him the news, he
said he had a Creamsicle and would donate it to me if I
wanted it. Holy smoke! What a keepsake!
My Creamsicle was not built by Norm, but by the late Dick
Salter and his son Rich. One of them would build the inboard
wing, while the other would build the outboard. The covering
was a blue that I stripped off in favor of the orange and
white, “factory colors.”
To say Norm was frugal would be an understatement. He bought
the cheapest covering he could get. I on the other hand I
bought an expensive brand that would just look good for this
restoration. Gene said, “He’d NEVER buy that stuff!”
Norm quit flying Combat for health reasons several years
before his passing and I think the jig for the killer wing
was first obtained by Buzz Wilson, who gave it to Robert
Smith where it resides in his barn. I was just fortunate to
get the plane I have. So unless Robert opts to build one of
these machines, there are maybe three or four of them in
various shops. (this does not include a possible stash owned
by Bob Carver (Norm's son Jim financed part of his
University of Washington tuition by building Creamsicles for
It's a cold winter here in the North, but this projects
really warms my heart. Gene, John Knoppi and I will fly it
at the 2024 Northwest Regionals in Roseburg, Ore. High
nitro, a screaming Mk3 with the B&M crankshaft and the
old familiar surge of adrenaline.
Thanks, Norm.
— Kenny-b

The Salter-built Creamsicle before
restoration. Ken Burdick photo.

Fox Combat Special Mk3 with parts reworked
by Norm McFadden, assembled by Gene Pape. The fuel tubes
at the rear enter and exit the McFadden pressure regulator
and the broad thrust washer indicates the after-market
B&M crankshaft designed and produced by Norm and Rich
Brasher. Also see reworked needle valve setup. Ken
Burdick photo.

Rear view of engine shows the regulator,
which assured a steady engine run, easy needle setting on
the ground, and quick cutoff when fuel ran out. Ken
Burdick photo.

The usual prop for the high-reving Fox
Combat Special engines was a Top Flite Pylon Racing
8-1/2x6-1/2, cut to 8 inches. Ken Burdick photo.

Norm McFadden (top) and the late Tom Strom
battle in Fast Combat at one of the U.S. National
Championships held in Tri-Cities, Wash.
This page
was updated an. 25, 2024