A View from Broadway

Author Ken built this Artesian for Northwest Sport Race in 2022 and powered it with an ASP .25. The Artesian was designed and kitted by Dick Peterson in the 1980s for use in Northwest Sport Race, Northwest Super Sport Race or AMA Slow Rat. Ken Burdick photo.
Racing 2022
Yes Folks, It’s true,
There was a break in the action before starting more Speed models here. Once again, it was in October. October is the month when things go a little sideways and I start thinking out of the box. For me that meant building a sport racer.
I was recently involved in a Sport Race in Salem, Ore. It had been long enough since the last Racing, that whole day was fun and what could be more fun than to build one myself? Like I said — things go a little sideways in October.
I looked over my options of Racing airplanes and decided on our very own Northwest design, the Artesian, designed by the late Dick Peterson. Mike Hazel of the dreaded Nitroholics has been thumping all comers with his Artesian pulled by an LA 25. The remaining Bod Busters must put a stop to this. The BBB has not gone racing since our diesel days in Clown Race, and to make matters worse our pilot has moved to Arizona!
I hate cutting out ribs
Not only does the Artesian have ribs, it has half ribs, and that is even worse! There was no way I was going to cut out some 26 ribs so I sent a note to good buddy Tim Hobbins. I sent him the dimensions and the next thing you know, I have three beautiful sets of ribs along with the much dreaded half ribs. Mike Hazel sold me a set of plans and I had a few copies run from it. BWAHAHA! Boy, is he gonna be sorry.
Being a good member of the Broadway Bod Busters, I absolutely know the abuse a good Racing airplane can take, I sent to Aircraft Spruce for the spars and leading edge parts. This thing's gonna be sturdy.
Between Scott Newkirk and John Knoppi, I was able to get the fuselage wood and I had some basswood for the stab, rudder and elevators. The landing gear was begged from Mike Hazel who came up with a dandy piece of metal and it was just right to go with the 2” Glen Lee wheels that Steve Lindstedt gave me. Thanks too to Steve Helmick for letting me use his bandsaw and sander for this project. Although it sounds like I borrowed most of the airplane, I kept track of all my purchases and freight — kinda wish I hadn't.
Wait! I need an engine?
I actually had planned on using an LA .25 I have, but the thought of a super-fast ASP .25 kept tugging on my coat.
I found one in the highly guarded and secret lair of Lane Puckett. I had run one once before and reviewed it on Flying Lines so I knew they were fast. The only thing that is missing with the ASP is a venturi and needle valve. I contacted Lee Machine (see in vendor listing) and was able to get a venturi with needle valve from Bill. I know there will be some fiddling with the I.D. as this is pretty restrictive, but oh well.
John Thompson also is running an ASP, and once he gets the bugs worked out, look out, that thing is fast. So, it looks like almost all the pieces are in place to build the Artesian.
Turn it off maaaaan!
About halfway through the build, I started looking for a shut off, and found an article in a Torque Roll newsletter posted on Flying Lines, written by Bill Bischoff for his turnkey or kit shutoff. I was on my way, no iffy home made shutoff here!
The airplane all but built itself, and I’m happy to say it’s turned out to be spot on for what I wanted. The ready-to-fly weight came in today just a tad under 27 ounces so it will have sufficient weight to whip into the pits if needed.
It’s February now and I’m up to my eyebrows in Speed stuff so, today I just sewed on the elevators and completed the controls. Methinks it be done, I just need a few blind nuts to finish it all off.
Final touches
I always get curious about finish people use so here is the info for the Artisean.
See you at the races!
— Kennyb
Artesian build photos

Lots of ribs! Rib set supplied by Hobbins Hobbies. Ken Burdick photo.

Framed up and ready for final finish. Ken Burdick photo.

The ASP .25 with Lee venturi and Bischoff shutoff. Ken Burdick photo.
This page was upated Feb. 16, 2022