A View from Broadway

.21 Proto Speed!

Side by side, a full-fuselage Blondie .21 Proto Speed plane and a profile B Proto. Imagine them combined into one. Ken Burdick photo.

By Ken Burdick

What’s old is new

Yes folks, it’s true.

Once upon a time, back in the days of Speed, there was an individual of many names, let's call him Partner for now. Well, Partner was a master modeler and could build like no other and produce mirror finish with K&B epoxy and a lot of work.

One day, he envisioned an event in which AMA B Proto would be reborn, he called it .21 Proto. It would use the (then) modern .21 Nova Rossi that had debuted in .21 Sport Speed. The idea he had was similar in that it would fly on two lines instead of monolline so more people would participate. It was to be a full fuselage and score finish points. The result was “the Blondie” and she was breathtaking. The event, however, proved to be difficult to build and too many Speed flyers just didn’t have the interest to build such a machine. The event petered out and fell off the charts at the U.S. Nationals, a sad commentary on Speed flyers.

Back to Today!

The mighty Broadway Bod Busters and the secret society of the Beaver, have conspired to save the event here in the Northwest, and make it easy.

The text below explains all — mostly.

Is your NW B Proto a dog? Does your LA .25 max out at 95 mph and is boring to fly? Do you wonder why it’s called a Speed event? Well, lil' geezers, wonder no more!

The combined brainpower of the BBB and the Beaver have the solution! A model that fits the requirements for a profile .21 Proto with so little work, even I can do it.

The NW B Profile Proto will accept the Nova Rossi with very little work. The back mounting holes are right on and two new holes for the front are all that’s needed, plus a small amount of Dremel work to accept the larger case of the Nova.

“But Kenny,” you say, “I can’t enter my B Profile Proto with a Rossi in 21 Proto.”

Well worry no more, go fast wanna-be's, there is a move afoot via the Beavers, to combine the full-figure Proto and Profile Proto for the future. This means that you can now step into the realm of some serious fun, and it will only cost you two added holes worth of building time. There are no beauty points.

The Nova Rossi is NOT like the LA 25 in any way, shape or form. You don’t need to do anything to them to get high speed. So if you have a Smokin' Joe, or a Blondie, it can be converted in one night's work.

NASS decided years ago to allow profile models into the event, and that saved it from extinction. We here in the NW will do the same and then some. We will allow both models to compete together. If you have a full-figured .21 Proto or a Profile, bring it! What’s really cool is you could use the same profile model in both .21 Proto and NW B Proto with a simple engine change. A two-fer, lil' geezers.

Stay tuned to Flying Lines for further development of this astounding revelation. The mighty BBB will offer a chance to win of $1,000,000.00 for the second-place winner in this event at the 2025 Northwest Regionals.

Below are listed some of the requirements and sourcing of engines.

Model: Profile or full figured Proto. Wing area same as NW B Proto.
Lines: .018"x60' solid.
Engine:  Max displacement .2135

Lines can be ordered from MBS Model Supply.

Nova Rossi engines are in limited supply from John Knoppi.

Special Nelson head insert, clamp and secret head shim from the BBB will soon be available.

So jump on the bandwagon and build or convert a Proto for this exciting Speed event.
— Kenny-b

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This page was updated July 7, 2024