Yes Folks it's true,
The Broadway Bod Busters wove their magic into not only combat, but into every event save carrier and scale. In 2008, the AMA thwarted our scale entry by insisting that we COULD NOT, enter a Hindenburg dirigible that would burst into flames. They were emphatic, and we being the civic minded group we are, decided not to push our luck..We do however, have an even better entry in mind for 2010.
Where to begin? There's so much to tell you I hardly know which foul ball or home run to begin with. Since we quietly promoted speed a bit this year, let's begin there shall we?
Control line speed may never be the same, The BBB showed
up by noon on Friday spreading Blood, cheer and flying lines everyplace.
Not unlike a line of baby ducks, the BBB were seen running in several directions
at once. Kenny-b managed to remove a goodly amount of his middle finger
helping the Buzz Man, The Rein Man dead-stick wing-overed an F2D proto on
top of the pylon and the Combat Monster dozed off flying his 1/2A proto
which splattered like a cake dropped from a ladder. As most of you know,
we were just getting warmed up! The Rock Star and newest member Paul
Gibeault collected us all together and gave us a good talking to.
"Now see here Bod Busters, go out and win!" We were grateful for the discussion and put plan B into work immediately. The results were.
F2D Proto:
1st The Combat Monster (Don McKay.)
2nd Kenny-b, (Ken Burdick)
3rd The Buzz Man (Buzz Wilson.)
F-40 1st The Rock Star, Paul Gibeault. (besting all Nelsons with
a K&B!)
Fai Speed 1st The Rock Star (Paul Gibeault)
1/2A speed 2nd The Rock Star ( Paul Gibeault).
1/2A Proto 3rd The Rein Man, (Jeff Rein)
D Speed What the hey? (Louie-Louie)
*** An unusual offshore affiliation called the Louie-Louie Speed Team made yet another N.W appearance with what they call La Louie-Mobile, a D speed model sporting the McGee .65.
While the top end speed seemed fast enough to possibly threaten the N.W record, the fuel management prevented any such happening. When interviewed by Huevos Fritos, this is what the two Louie's had to say.
"Oh mon, la Louie Mobile be a-fast un mon, es so fast, she run ot uf gas too son mon! We gotta coast across the finish line on da ground mon!"
The D ship was smoking hot but just didn't complete the laps for its best time.
I know what you're thinking; some throw down in E town
"You guys didn't even enter .21 proto". That may be true as the yet half finished model is secure in the Bod Busters technology center, but as promised, The BBB did give away one million dollars. The record breaking and now wealthy speed flyer Jerry Rocha did a great job setting a new AMA record, and backing it up while collecting a cool $1,000,000.00 for his efforts. To date Jerry may have out earned most Golf Pros on the PGA circuit.
As if it were not enough for the Beavers to plague the BBB
in combat, but no sooner did we announce the newest member of the
BBB (The Rock Star, Paul Gilbeault) than suspicious things began
to occur in the racing circle. The otherwise perfectly organized racer could
not explain how the fuel shut-off on his N.W super sport NO LONGER FUNCTIONED
while flying against..yes, you guessed it.. THE BEAVERS!
As has been previously stated, "It only takes one Beaver to spoil a picnic," and in spite of the suspicious circumstances, The Rock Star still managed to take 2nd in the event. Some say it was because only two had entered it. We say baloney and it was true grit that got us the award.
Passing off the Beaverisims was as easy as pie for the Rock Star, (the Rock Star likes pie) who went on to win ...
1st Mouse race The Rock Star
2nd in N.W Sport race The Rock Star
2nd N.W Super Sport The Rock Star
1st (as the pilot) of Clown Race for (Hoss) Doug Haas.
Overall Racing Champion The Rock Star
Between the speed and racing events, The Rock Star claimed 7 awards that included the Overall Racing Champion of 2009! Can no one stop this man? Is he destined to dominate racing forever? Will Todd Ryan enlist the help of the Beavers to make a small dent in this trophy empire? Stay tuned for 2010 and see what the BBB and our Rock Star have cooked up by then!
The BBB. Dominated combat
by sending in the Rein Man. It was none other than Jeff Rein who took top
honors in all classes of combat.
1st 80 mph The Rein Man
1st HP 1/2A The Rein Man
1st Diesel Combat The Rein Man
Overall Combat Champion The Rein Man
In 80 mph The Rein Man motored his way to the top using the R&B Rippoff, Cyclon pc-6, and APC 6 x 3 prop. The R&B was flying very close to a full blown F2D ship and could make 90 degree turns in the blink of an eye.
1/2A was all Rein Man once again. Unfortunately I was off flying speed with Louie the Beaver and did not see much of the event, but Sunday we sent in the diesels!
D-Bat as it's called, has its own look and feel. Motors that start once but then go bad, bad motors that in the right hands run well, airplanes that fly like a shoebox filled with smelly shoes. This is the event and it's not for the faint of heart. When things go terribly wrong as they will, we call it the "Diesel experience," sort of like the full meal deal ... only different.
Surprisingly, The Combat Monster had engine problems. Don has been working very hard at getting the know-how down pat, very few were faster than Don but staying in the air is how to win the skunk of combat event, and Don had starting problems. The Beaver named Louie was worn out from running speed for two days straight and working like a mad Beaver on getting the Regionals ready. Although he did well, it was just not enough to get into the semi's. The Lone wolf Bob Smith did well but faded in the stretch as did Jim Green, Kenny-b, the Buzz Man, and The Combat Monster. Ed was swinging for the fences and actually hit the fence once.
Even though it was Jeff who won the event,the flight for 2nd and 3rd between Lee Letchworth and The Alien Mel Lyne was possibly the most entertaining.
Lee and Mel put on a good fight, Mel had it won handily and was up 2 cuts, his Alien mind had put this one in the bag when suddenly, the diesel experience arrived.
Somehow Mel crashed breaking his prop, all he had to do was
stay in the air and now just a simple prop change and he would still win.but
folks, this is after all d-bat.
I was watching from the other side of the circle and could not understand why he was still down. "It's not like him," I said to the Rein Man "Ya, something must be wrong" we could hear him from where we stood, and the words Damn Gopher, could be heard in his utterance. While Mel was removing the broken prop, the nut fell down a gopher hole and could not be retrieved. He lost the match to Lee with his arm thrust down a suspicious hole in the ground.
There are those who unfairly say that it was the BBB who trained the gopher and undid the Alien. We have only limited experience in Gopher training and while it may be true that Huevos Fritos does in fact have a small rodent training facility there is simply no linkage between the two. To quote our lawyer The Buzz Man."It cannot be proven in a court of law"
So there you have it, another successful Regionals for you friendly neighborhood Bod Busters.
I'm pleased to let y'all know that Steve-O took on all comers in Intermediate PA! Steve has been "getting around to it" for the last couple years but now has arrived. As noted in his bio, Steve has been one tenth of a click off of the U.S Free Flight team and a master modeler. Additionally Steve-o placed 4th in Sportsman Profile.
Dirty Dan The Stunt Guru, was trimming his new Impact so
we did not expect him to cruise to the top of the heap. Dan did place in
the top 20 in Expert PA and 3rd in Expert profile with the coolest stunter
this side of the Snort. The Wimpact has made its debut and is rising in
the ranks of winners. Guys like me are looking for a kitted version.
The Rein Man however was in a combat state of mind as he attempted his intermediate pattern scoring a good 20 points below normal. A short conference with the Stunt Guru and some meditation/ polish hot dog later, the Rein Man was picking his way through a winning pattern when the once thought to be good Magnum, just stopped. Fortunately the blue Nobler was right side up and lived to score another day.
We would like to thank John Thompson, Mike Hazel and all the many others who helped put this wonderful contest together. These are not just words to say, it takes months to organize and prepare for something of this size. This year we made some interesting observations.
Not only is stunt growing but speed and combat are also growing. I counted the various entries in speed, and while many names were in multiple events the number totaled 77! There were 102 or more attempts to post official times. This is like the numbers from the good ol days. The BBB would like to give a shout-out to all the speed fliers who attended and all made a difference. Combat was well attended with 12 in 80 mph a bunch in 1/2A and 10 in D-Bat. We have many N.W combat flyers in the top 20 of the national points seeding.
The BBB will enter scale next year. It will not be a whale or the Hindenburg, but it will be unusual and not likely to be forgotten anytime soon.
The BBB will again dominate any racing event offered. While others prefer to bask in the sun, we will be sending in the experts to take whatever loot there is to take. The BBB will not however organize or officiate the racing as our plate is very full with combat alone.
There will be more speed and better showings than this year. Jerry Rocha will be takin notes from us wait n see! Like we say, "if it aint fun.we aint doin it"
--Kenny-B and the Bod Busters
This page was upated May 30, 2009