Broadway Bod Busters

Bod Busters Sweep Stunt-a-Thon

By Ken Burdick

PUYALLUP, Wash. -- Yes folks, its true, our stunt division is growing stronger.

The addition of Dan Rutherford has apparently made a significant difference in the team's ability to fly stunt, taking first, second and third in the contest.

The improvement was obvious, with one well known judge commenting, "He's a Bod Buster, and he took off!"

You just can't buy publicity like that! (for good reason).

It was none other than Buzz Wilson taking the much coveted first place award in a field of littered with competitors.

"Mr. Wilson" as he is sometimes called, braved the elements, (restaurant ... waitresses) to emerge as the top beginner in the contest. Some say he was the ONLY beginner in the contest. Mr. Wilson was not available for comment.

Jeff Rein took second in Advanced and third on Geezer (OTS).

Jeff is carrying a disadvantage of using an ARF, so is missing points that would have given him a first-place score for his best flight in Advanced.

Old Time Stunt remains a mystery to us all. We plan to confer with our Stunt Guru Dan Rutherford on why such an event exists and what we might do about it.

There has been talk in the Bod Buster high tech workshop of actually "building" the next generation precision acrobatic vehicle. This had not occurred to us before.

Missing: Although I did not fly at this tournament, I did however stay for breakfast on the first day and distributed the formal "dress black" Bod Buster T-Shirts for stunt contests.

It was reported that Dan had gone missing on the second day and therefore unable to stand in the rain as well.

Photo: Jeff Rein (left) and Buzz Wilson in the pits with Jeff's ARF Smoothie, waiting for an advanced flight on the rainy Sunday. Randy Powell photo.

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This page was upated June 28, 2007