Broadway Bod Busters

The BBB rides again!

By Ken Burdick

Yes folks, it's true.

The BBB once again proved itself to be the controline team to beat.

Two of us placed in the top 10 best competitors overall, while four of us made it into the top 20. (Yay, clap, clap.)

Some of our specialty events showed even stronger results with the top two places in 80 mph  and 1/2A going to The Bod Busters. The dreaded Alien and lone wolf Bob Smith prevented us from collecting a clean 1,2,3 in both events by taking the #2 spot. Kenny-B and the Rein Man also collected first and third in overall combat but once again, the Alien intervened and bumped the Rein Man out of second by one mind-melding point!

The Combat Monster took the #2 spot in Diesel, not bad considering it was his first year flying the odiferous event. Once again thwarted by Lone Wolf Bob Smith, The Combat Monster missed the coveted #1 place by one point.

Speed was another story. The BBB decided to fly speed and in 2008 and introduced F2D Proto Speed by setting new WORLD RECORDS in the event. The Combat Monster also flew 1/2A Proto and did respectively well giving him an overall 3rd in the N.W rankings. We all have the bug now and are building top secret stuff in the BBB design lab for both F2D Proto and 1/2A Proto.

Stunt found us lacking except for the Stunt Guru Dirty Dan who placed 3rd overall in profile and in the top 10 in Clasic stunt. As Stunt Guru's often do, Dirt unveiled his Wimpact at the RR late in the season setting the stunt world on its ear. It is without a doubt the coolest profile stunter ever produced. Keep an eye on this one folks, it'll be back.

For me, it's been a fun season which is whole point of this. We have a saying at the BBB, "if it ain't fun, we're not doing it. Here is a rundown of the high points I had with the BBB last year.

 Happy New Year!

-- Kenny-b and the Bod Busters

This page was upated Jan. 13, 2009

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