Broadway Bod Busters

R.F. Stevenson Memorial Contest
The Real Story

Bod Busters Steamroll Competition!!!!
Jeff Rein reigns!!!!
When you're hot, you're hot.

By Ken Burdick

Yes Folks, it's true.

The BROADWAY BOD BUSTERS do it again!!!

Collectively Scoring higher than a World Champion, the Bod Busters weighed in and came out swinging adding to the loot of the winningest controline competition team on the West Coast.

Stunt was led by veteran Stunt Guru, Dan Rutherford, and The Buzz Man, Buzz Wilson.

Combat was led by The Rein Man, Jeff Rein, and Combat Monster Don McKay. It's been a long dry spell for McKay (35 years) since placing in a combat meet, but Don showed us he still has it by placing third in 80.

Comic relief was lead by yours truly. Lost like Gilligan on a three-hour tour, I stumbled my way through the fuzzy logic that used to be so clear.

Stunt, Broadway style

(Arf, the Supereclown)

One of the early stunt scores (mine) proved once again Arfing and diesels don't mix. The engine was once owned by none other than R.F. Stevenson, so it was fitting that it should be used. For those of you who have been able to purchase an engine from "Steve," you know what a process that was. The Rivers 15 even sounds like Steve and sputters. It, however, can not make up for epoxied hinges that are not pinned.

After showing how to put an exclaimation point on a wingover, I was prepared to do the right thing, and retire the delaminating diesel sponge, however, disparaging remarks from World Champion Paul Walker compel me to return yet again with the foul smelling combination of "AFR The Super Clown! and Rivers diesel, too."

The Bod Busters quickly filled in the gaping hole I punched in the earth.

Winning five more trophies. Stunt guru Dan Rutherford led our pack. winning second place in profile. Dan has been perfecting his awesome and much feared "Dirtmobile." (Yay, clap, clap.)

There have been rumors of a production kitted Dirtmobile" but Dan was unavailable for comment.

The Buzz Man DID in fact win a first place in stunt, but Dan suggested that we "Lawyer Up" to defend the rights to this trophy.

Jeff flew a decent pattern and almost helped with the lawn mowing at the same time!

(What a guy!)

He has been spending time in the Bod Buster "Stunt Lab" getting his Arf Smoothie to be stable flying inverted while still having a good snap turn, he has succeeded proving once again that combat flyers aren't afraid of the ground. When asked about the low flying, the Rein Man just smiled and said, 'Put the lime in the coconut .and call me in the morning. Obviously some sort of after effect from singing on stage with the Persuasions a cappella group the night before!

Not to be outdone by either me or Jeff, The Buzz Man improved on his "power landings" with his now retired Ringmaster.

Like a lobster in ballet slippers the chubby profile attempted yet another vertical eight in the OTS pattern, but fell to earth as the rattling OS .35 closed its eyes.

Secrets Revealed!

Our under wraps "secret stunt weapon" The Oriental Clown, was introduced to the world at this contest. The profile stunter was re-engineered by Jeff from parts and pieces but was flying too slow to be used. Closing in on 90mph Jeff remarked,"It's almost there." He had been hoping for something around 98. "Less prop, more nitro fixes most everything," we said together.

Bod Buster STUNT GURU Dirty Dan had no comment that can be printed here. Nodding our heads in unison, Jeff and I agree he's being tough on us to "make us better." Stunt Gurus are just that way.

Combating the Model Minority

Not to be confused with "OLD JEFF", it was JEFF of OLD in combat.

The mojo had turned and he was killing everything in sight. No one was safe in either 1/2A or 80 mph. Jeff once again filled in the holes I left in terra firma by winning first in both events. No one knows where it goes when the combat gene disappears, but is does and did happen, I was beat like a dirty rug, eking out a third in 1/2A.


While Jeff was cruising to win after win with just one airplane in each event, I was fleeing the mob armed with pitchforks and torches. If this keeps up,

I'll have to get a job teaching cuz I sure couldn't DO anything. The final insult came when I used a perfect strategy. Ahead in points, I saw one easy cut, took it on a fast tight half outside that was to continue flying AWAY from my opponent. But no, the loop was completed by the onetime useful flying hand, putting me right into the prop of my opponent who killed me at once.

Striken with "combat Tourette's" (similar to "Stunt Tourette's"), I was having conversation with myself when the lines caught my falling streamer, you guessed it. Dropped like a chulapa on the kitchen floor.

As some of you know, it's just not been right for me since the Alien incident of 2007. I seem to be having problems with string either cutting my wing in half, or now, crashing the entire airplane!

I feel more combat Tourette's coming on.


About the time you think it's over, it's just getting started.

The Rein Man and I were having a pretty darn fun match and cutting each other up, carrying on as we do when my shut-off dropped like a sack-o-nothing.

By the time I got back, Jeff had thrown his back out and was hobbling around like Rubberband Man. We finished the match (I lost), and helped my wounded comrade off the field.

Diggin holes, flying diesels, Combat Tourette's ... I've had a full day!

I'm going to the Re-Hab center!

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This page was upated June 28, 2007