WOLF fliers celebrate the Solstice

June 21, 2007, Salem, Ore.

By Mike Hazel

The Western Oregon Control Line Flyers (WOLF) held their Summer Solstice Fun Fly on the evening of June 21st. The site was the Bill Riegel Model Airpark at the Salem Airport, of course. Although the event info said we would start at 6 PM, plenty of fliers took advantage of the nice day and showed up early, which was fine, of course. Actually, it was a brilliant move, as the best conditions were earlier in the day, and it did get a bit windy later on.

John Leidle of Washington decided to make this a stunt flying holiday and get in lots of practice, so he came down one day early! He said that between the two days he put in about 50 flights. Others from out of the area that attended were: Scott Riese, Roy DeCamara, Greg Hart, and Wayne Esauk.

WOLF members who showed up to fly were Gerald Schamp and Mike Hazel. Dropping by to watch and visit were Don Dotter and Jack Pitcher.

As mentioned before, it did get a bit breezy later on and everyone seemed to have their fill by about 7 PM. Let's do this again next year, and perhaps the wind will calm a bit so we can try some "dusky" flights.

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