WOLF fliers celebrate the Solstice

June 21, 2006, Salem, Ore.

By Mike Hazel

The Western Oregon Control Line Flyers had a cozy little flying session at the WOLF Summer Solstice Fun Fly on June 22nd. Not a large turnout, but four members turned out for a pleasant evening of flying, although it was a bit windy.

Bruce Hunt flew his profile Cardinal several flights. Gerald Schamp put a new ARC profile job up for its maiden flight. It also sported a brandy-new four-stroke 40 engine.

Craig Bartlett showed up with a cast-off RC ARF thingy, which he proceeded to work on at the field, it needing such things as a bellcrank and leadouts. When he finally got it up, only had about four laps on it when the wind overtook what aerodynamic features the craft had. (Splat!)

Mike Hazel pulled out his old 1/2 A combat wing for a few flights. These little ships are really fun to twist out the maneuvers downwind on a windy day. All was going well until the last flight when the engine made funny noises and quit running. Turned out the engine mount bolts came loose and the venturi vibrated out, and was of course lost in the grass.

This was a fun session, so look to see such an event scheduled again sometime. (Next WOLF event is the Lucky Hand Fun Fly on July 8th).

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