The guys who had fun: The Oregon Flying Fun's second event drew seven fliers. From left are Dave Royer, Jack Pitcher, Dave Shrum, Mike Denlis and Jim Corbett. Mel Marcum attended briefly and delivered prizes donated by the host club, Eugene Prop Spinners. The seventh flier was behind the camera. Flying Lines photo.

Oregon Flying Fun -- 2

Gloomy sky threatens, but delivers only good flying

Feb. 10, 2007, Eugene, Ore.

Predictions of showers on the Sunday of the Eugene fun fly, second in this year's annual Oregon Flying Fun Series, dampened the entry level a bit, with only seven of us showing up. As is often the case, however, predictions didn't quite come true. There was no rain (aside from a few odd drops). Wind was very light and steady, decreasing to almost nothing by afternoon. And those who did show up got lots of flying in.

Dave Royer of Portland flew his Chief. Jack Pitcher of Gresham flew his Centennial and the Prop Spinners Bi-Slob. Dave Shrum of Roseburg tested a couple of his B-Team Racers. Mike Denlis of Springfield flew his Ringmaster and Big Red. Jim Corbett of Eugene flew his Clown. John Thompson of Eugene flew his Vector 40, Evil Twin and Bi-SLob. A great deal of Hangar flying also was done! Coffee and doughnuts were consumed. Prizes were handed out.

The third in the series of four Oregon fun flies is scheduled for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Bill Riegel Model Airpark at the Salem, Ore., Airport, on March 1. See Where the Action Is for details.

Oregon Flying Fun 2 photos

Dave Royer happened to be the guy flying when the Flying Lines camera came out of the pickup, so he's in most of the pictures. At left, Dave is starting his Chief while Jack Pitcher assists. At right ... Jim Corbett keeps his hands warm while snapping a picture of the pit work. Flying Lines photos.

Jack launches the Chief. Flying Lines photo.

At left, Dave Royer flies the chief. Flying Lines photo. At right, John Thompson hangs the Bi-Slob. Jim Corbett photo.

At left, Dave Shrum works on a B-Team Racer called Dude. Jim Corbett photo. At right, Shrum's B-Team racer, Able Mable. Flying Lines photo.

Left: Mike Denlis's ancient Ringmaster is still a good sport flier. Flying Lines photo. Right: The FL photographer. Jim Corbett photo.

Flying circle's nice and close to the pit area at the huge Eugene flying field. Flying Lines photo.

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This page was upated Feb. 13, 2008