2007 Lucky Hand Fun Fly

WOLF's annual poker party is a lucky 7/07

July 8 2007, Salem, Ore.

The event missed 7/7/07 by one day, but it was still a great day of lots of flying at Bill Riegel Model Airpark in Salem.

Seven Northwest control-line fliers showed up to fly, making it a lighter-than-usual attendance, but there was seldom a moment without a plane in flight.

Among those putting in lots of flights were Tori Eichten, shown at right getting a refresher course in CL flying from Dad Jerry. The Eichtens made many flights on two trainer planes, including the maiden flight of Tori's own. By the end of the day, she had moved to the asphalt circle. Flying Lines photo.

For the record, the lucky poker hand was three threes, captured by John Thompson, who may also have flown the most different airplanes: Ares, Vector, Gotcha, and a Yuvenko 1/2-A combat plane (thanks, Mark).

Second prize went to Jerry Eichten and third to Scott Riese. Jerry flew the trainers in assisting Tori, and Scott flew his Stuntmaster and Bi-Slob and John's Ares. Others flying were Greg Hart (Roadrunner), Mike Hazel (Mr Stubby) and Mark Hansen (Yuvenko).

The Lucky Hand is always one of the most fun events of the Oregon flying year, and 2007 was no exception. Plan to deal yourself in in July of 2008!

More Lucky Hand Fun Fly photos

Left photo: Scott Riese's Stunt Master. Right photo: What it takes to get a beginner flying; a trainer plane and support gear. Flying Lines photos.

Left photo: Jerry Eichten launches for Tori. Right: More instruction on the finer points. Flying Lines photos.

Jerry Eichten makes the first flight on Tori's plane. Flying Lines photo.

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This page was upated July 9, 2007