The annual Fall Follies is the Northwest's finest party/barbecue with a dandy contest attached. Above, fliers line up for the vittles at the Sunday lunch barbecue, hosted by the Western Oregon Control-Line Flyers under the direction of Mike Hazel. Besides the hamburgers and hot dogs and all the trimmings, fliers feasted on leftovers from the annual Saturday night dinner party at WOLF member Bruce Hunt's house. What a weekend! Flying Lines photo.

22nd annual Fall Follies: Fabulous!

Oct. 11-12, Bill Riegel Field, Salem, Ore.

Sunshine. Light, steady breeze blowing mostly in one direction (and not at the sun). Food. Flying, lots of flying. More food. More flying. Yep, it was the Fall Follies we all hoped it would be. A season-ending fun/flying/food fest that made the 22nd annual season-ender in Oregon one of the best in the series.

The contest was consolidated on one circle this year at Bill Riegel Field, because the grass area was occupied by some rental trucks. Combat and one of the traditional racing events had been dropped from the schedule this year to make sure the contest could be crammed into the two days on the asphalt circle. It was a tight squeeze with the good turnout of aerobatics fliers, but we managed to get everything done, except the Clown Race, which was postponed by agreement of the contestants and never did happen. Contest organizers are rethinking the event schedule, and the racing part of the contest may possibly move to another weekend in the future. Stay tuned for details on that.

The aerobatics portion included Classic (sportsman and expert classes), Profile (sportsman and and expert) and precision aerobatics in the four PAMPA classes. Some very fine flying was seen over the course of the weekend and (correct me if I'm wrong, fliers) there was not a single crash. Weather, though sunny, was cooler than usual for the time of year and engine settings were a bit tricky ... quite a few lean runs early in the contest, though fliers seemed to get things dialed in by Sunday.

The contest was also the occasion for awarding the annual Vintage Stunt Trophy to Bruce Hunt of Salem, who captured the prize for the second time. The trophy, conceived and sponsored by Don McClave, is awarded annually to the flier who scores the most points in the Flying Lines standings for combined Old-Time and Classic Stunt. Bruce also won the award in 2006. Other winners have been Scott Riese (2005) and Pat Johnston (2007). (Corrected Oct. 15.)

In the aerobatics competition, the highlight probably was the close contest in the expert class between Howard Rush, fresh from a big win in Brazil, and Paul Walker, ailing from a neck problem that will soon have him in surgery. Howard had a three-point edge after the first round but Paul put in a flawless second-round flight to get the victory.

Also noteworthy was the sweep by Greg Hart, who won every class he entered: Sportsman Profile Stunt, Sportsman Classic Stunt, and advanced Precision Aerobatics. Pat Johnston won expert Classic and expert Profile. Richard Entwhistle put in two good flights to win Intermediate Precision Aerobatics.

Intermediate Precision Aerobatics proved to be a hotbed of competition among up-and-coming fliers, with all five of the entrants putting in advanced-level flights. Looks as if the advanced class in the Northwest will be well stocked for 2009.

Not much else can be said except that it was just a very fine contest on a very fine weekend in October and it left everyone with a "can't wait for next year" attitude.

Contest staff:
Field setup: Mike Hazel, Bruce Hunt
Tabulation and score running: Mike Hazel
Saturday night barbecue hosts: Bruce and Kris Hunt
Sunday barbecue: Mike Hazel, Bruce and Kris Hunt
Contest Director: Mike Hazel
Thanks also to many others who helped out with various chores and details!
Sponsor: Western Oregon Control-Line Flyers

Fall Follies Results

NW Standings points in parentheses

Pat Johnston, Boise, Idaho, 539.5 (4)
2. Bruce Hunt, Salem, Ore., 530 (3)
3. Mike Haverly, Aurburn, Wash., 511 (2)
4. John Thompson, Eugene, Ore., 487.5 (1)
Judges: Jerry Eichten, Steve Helmick

Greg Hart, Molalla, Ore., 482 (3)
2. Dave Gardner, Renton, Wash., 456 (2)
3. Dane Covey, Tacoma, Wash., 440.5 (1)
Judges: Jerry Eichten, Steve Helmick

Greg Hart, 482 (7)
2. Mark Scarborough, Pullman, Wash., 464 (6)
3. Steve Helmick, Renton, Wash., 458 (5)
4. Richard Entwhistle, Scappoose, Ore., 448 (4)
5. Art Zehner, Portland, Ore., 433.5
6. Dane Covey, 431.5
7. Dave Gardner, 277
Judges: Dan Rutherford, Bruce Hunt

Pat Johnston, 526 (4)
2. Jerry Eichten, Newberg, Ore., 502 (3)
3. Dan Rutherford, Bothell, Wash., 499 (2)
4. John Thompson, 448.5 (1)
Judges: Bruce Hunt, Dave Gardner

Robert Ladd, Milwaukie, Ore., 167.5 (1)
Judges: Howard Rush, John Thompson

Photo: Judges Steve Helmick (left) and Dave Royer watch an official flight in expert Precision Aerobatics. Flying Lines photo.

Richard Entwhistle, 464 (5)
2. Mark Scarborough, 463 (4)
3. Steve Helmick, 453 (3)
4. Dane Covey, 444 (2)
5. Art Zehner, 422
Judges: Howard Rush, John Thompson

Greg Hart, 506.5 (4)
2. Dave Gardner, 483.5 (3)
3. Rick Cochrun, Marysville, Wash., 472 (2)
4. Floyd Carter, Eugene, Ore., 387 (1)
Judges: John Thompson, Pat Johnston

Paul Walker, Kent, Wash., 589.5 (10.5)
2. Howard Rush, Bellevue, Wash., 579 (9)
3. Pat Johnston, 546 (7.5)
4. Bruce Hunt, 530 (6)
5. Dan Rutherford, 524
6. Mike Haverly, 501
7. John Thompson, 491
Judges: Steve Helmick, Dave Royer

Mark Scarborough, 9:27.21 (3)
2. Nitroholics Racing Team, Salem/Eugene, Ore., 11:55.81
3. Jerry Eichten, 14:15.02
Racing officials: Bruce Hunt, Dan Rutherford

Event scratched by agreement of the contestants for schedule reasons.

Results of this contest are included in the Northwest Control-Line Competition Standings.

Fall Follies photo gallery

Paul Walker launches Howard Rush's Impact for a Precision Aerobatics official flight. Flying Lines photo.

Some of the profiles at the Follies. Left photo: Mark Scarborough's electric profile had some problems and didn't fly. Right photo: Two Tutors, used by Richard Entwistle (left) and Dane Covey. Flying Lines photos.

It's not all hot and heavy flying at the Follies. Left photo: Bruce Hunt uses Dave Gardner's Sig Fazer to demonstrate how control-line control systems work. Bruce later helped the young man learn to fly with a small plane he carries or the purpose. Right photo: On the sidelines, Richard Entwistle relaxes and watches the officiasl flying. Flying Lines photos.

Left photo: Dave Gardner's Sig Fazer. Right photo: Kiss, a modified Twister built by Mike Haverly, now flown in Profile by Steve Helmick. Flying Lines photos.

Pat Johnston brought along his Gee Bee, built in the early 1990s and still a great-looking and unusual profile plane. It didn't fly, but did attract admirers. Flying Lines photos.

Howard Rush's Impact looks good in the air. Flying Lines photo.

Bruce Hunt, winner of the 2008 Vintage Stunt Trophy, signals judges at the start of a flight with the Lark he flies in both Classic and Precision Aerobatics, as Dan Rutherford prepares to hold for launch. Flying Lines photo.

A nice Pathfinder flown in Profile by Dane Covey. Flying Lines photo.

Pit lineup for Profile Stunt on Saturday. Flying Lines photo.

Left photo: Mark Scarborough launches Pat Johnston's Mustang for a Precision Aerobatics flight. Right photo: A closer look at Rush's Impact. John Anderson photos.

Hobnobbing in the pits: From left, Howard Rush, Don McClave, Mike Haverly, Paul Walker, Pat Johnston, Dave Gardner. Flying Lines photo.

Flying Lines home page

This page was upated Oct. 15, 2008