Northwest fliers participate in 2024 Ringmaster fly-a-thon

See fly-a-thon website for up-to-date worldwide flight total

Control-line model aviators in several Northwest locations put up flights on various kinds of Ringmasters over the Oct. 5-6 weekend (and surrounding dates) as part of the worldwide Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon sponsored by the Brotherhood of the Ring.

The Brotherhood's John Cralley gathers flight data from around the world and compiles a spreadsheet showing what variants of Ringmasters were flown at the many locations where the flying took place. Latest flight data is available on the fly-a-thon website.

Worldwide report:

Updated! As of Thursday, Oct. 17, the worldwide tally was 11,160, flights by 606 pilots, with reports still coming in.

See final worldwide tally

By John Cralley

Northwest Ringmaster flights

In the Northwest, flights are known to have taken place in Auburn, Wash.; Chehalis, Wash.; Junction City, Ore.; Portland, Ore.; Roseburg, Ore.; Richmond, B.C.; and Parksville, B.C. At least 474 flights were made by at least 50 pilots at Northwest venues.

The reports below are from the various organizations and individuals who participated; some of the data is taken from the worldwide report.

Data and reports will be added if more are received by Flying Lines.

Washington state

Some of the Skyraiders' planes lined up awaiting action  Randy Ling photo.

Auburn, Wash., Ringmaster flights

Oct. 5-6, Roegner Park, Auburn, Wash.

By Dave Gardner

Nine Northwest Skyraiders pilots made a total of 122 flights.  The chart below lists the pilots, the type of Ringmaster and the number of flights.


No. of Flights

Airplane /Engine

Airplane / Engine

Rodney Claus


S-1 / Brodak 25

RingMonster I/Fox 78

Jim Schneider


S-1 / OS 25

RingMonster II/LA46

Jim Schneider


RM Jr./ Enya 15

Jim McCartney


S-1 / Johnson 29

RM Jr. / OS 15

Steve Ashmore


PJ RM 576/ Electric

RM Jr. / OS 15

Steve Holt


S-1 / OS 25FP

RM Flash / Fox 15

Will Tilse


S-1 / Fox 35

Baby RM / Cox 049

Kris Millard


S-1 / Throttled OS25

Jeff Potter


S-1 / OS 25

TOTALS:      8 Pilots


9 planes

6 planes

More Skyraiders planes await action. Randy Ling photo.